Broken Clavicle No More!

Or maybe I should title this “What’s your problem? Look at Tyler Hamilton!”

Back at the end of May I busted my left clavicle (collar bone). You can read about it here “Broken Clavicle”. It’s been almost 3 months and everything seems to be healed up fine. I have a nice little bump where the ends of the bone have fused together. The long portion never pulled itself back down and it now doesn’t align with the small end. Thus the bump.

Occasionally my shoulder gets sore or I get a slight jolt of pain. Playing volleyball, especially extending the hands and arms out and upward, will make it sore. On the bike, if I bunny-hop or pull up sharply on the bars it hurts a bit in my shoulder. Overall though, I feel good.

During my earlier visit to see Dr. Testa, he created a workout schedule for me. It’s purpose was to help me maintain my fitness and allow me to get back onto the bike and racing as soon as possible. The schedule was designed for use with a stationary trainer. He also instructed that I should raise the front wheel so that the strain on shoulder was reduced and that I should stop an exercise if any pain arose in my shoulder.

Here’s the schedule he gave me for use with my bike on a stationary trainer. It’s a three week plan and each day is broken into a morning and an evening workout. Having two workouts per day reduced the stress on the shoulder.

Recovery Training Program

Week 1

Days 1-3

morning: 15′ = easy spin
evening: 15′ = same as morning

Days 4-5

morning: 25′ = easy spin with high cadence (95+ rpm) for last 10′
evening: 25′ = same as morning

Days 6-7

morning: 30′ = alternating 5′ high cadence (95+ rpm) and HR (75%-83%) with 5′ lower cadence (85-90 rpm) and HR (<73%)
evening: 30′ = same as morning

Weeks 2 and 3

Day 1 (off)

Day 2

morning: 20′ = easy spin with high cadence (100) and HR (75%-78%)
evening: 30′ = 10′ warm-up, 5 x 2′ increasing resistance at 60 rpm and HR (<83%) with 2′ recovery

Day 3

morning: 30′ = 10′ easy spin HR (<70%), 10′ easy spin HR (75%-80%), 10′ easy spin HR (80%-88%)
evening: 45′ = 2 x 10′ and HR (75%-80%) with 5′ recovery, easy for last 20′

Day 4

morning: 45′ = 10′-15′ warm-up with cadence (90-95 rpm) and HR (<70%), 2 sets of raising HR (70%) up to HR (93%) with increases of ~2.5% Max HR (for me it’s 5 beats) every 2′
evening: 45′ = same as morning

Day 5

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-80%)
evening: 40′ = 10′ warm-up, 5 x 3′ increasing resistance at 55-60 rpm and 2′ recovery, 5′-10′ easy spin for cool down

Day 6

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-83%)
evening: 40′ = 10′-15′ warm-up, 3 x 10′-12′ at HR (80%-88%) and 4′ recovery

Day 7

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-83%)
evening: 45′ = 10′ warm-up, 30′ constant spin at HR (80%-85%), 5′ cool down

Fun! 🙂

I would also wear my sling during the workouts. I tried without it a couple of times but my shoulder muscles would start aching. I also found that sitting upright reduced the strain.

Soon after finishing this workout I headed out to Europe for a month long trip. The first portion of my trip was a bike camp in Spain. The training program above paid off and I was able to ride all of the routes and distances in the camp. Over the remaining portion of my trip I added many more miles and my shoulder started feeling better and better. Riding in the Pyrenees, watching the Tour de France live, and seeing Lance Armstrong kick butt were highlights.

Of course with Tyler Hamilton blasting the field with his broken collar bone I was getting no sympathy! But it also goes to show how quickly you may recover from this type of break.


More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
What To Expect From A Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

218 responses

  1. george Avatar

    Just a follow up on my break since this site was so helpful to me. Today is 10 weeks after my cycling crash and I am doing fine. The break does not hurt but my shoulder still does from time to time when I sleep on it wrong. I was back on the trainer after 1 week, back on the road riding at 5 weeks and now at 10 weeks, I have logged 570 miles since I got back on the road. This Friday I leave for a bike ride from Myrtle Beach SC to Washington DC. (600 miles in 7 days) When I first broke it I was concerned that I would not be able to make this ride but now that it is here, I know I can do it. Keep you sprits up and good luck to you all.

  2. Hans Avatar

    Paul – Icing 9 days after the injury seems a bit long. I have heard of using ice up to 3 days. It really depends on your injury and the swelling that is occurring. If you aren’t having issues with swelling then it might be wise to stop icing. You should check with your doctor.
    The following site has some information about how to ice an injury:
    It notes that the effect of icing diminishes significantly after about 48 hours. Here’s a related article that contains more information about ice and heat treatments:

  3. paul Avatar

    thanks for this website…..have been enlightened on the good, bad and the ugly of the clavicle break. when you are active in all facets of life, others do not quite know the distress we breakees are in, nor would they understand why we type without capital letters. i broke my left clavicle 9 days ago. flipped off mtn. bike after taking my hands off the handle bars for a split second. was on gentle downslope, on pavement…so i can’t begin to figure out what went wrong. this is my first broken bone disabled list assignment – being able to learn from others has been a key to sanity. i have learned more from others than i did from the er doctors and the local ortho. i live in a fairly isolated part of nor cal – mendocino – so am going it with my sling, a lower riding, waist band sling thing that velcros my wrist to my stomach and my elbow to my side. as you all know, any progress is good, but it is incredible how one can start to feel a little better, only to go back to quite a bit of pain again. i am an avid surfer, a tennis player and by recent profession, a furniture maker. so, this is tough. thanks and good vibes go out to all of you/us. p.s. anyone have any thoughts about icepacks 9 days later.

  4. Vikas Avatar

    I am 24 years old and i broke my collarbone some 6 weeks back. I was driving on a motorbike all drunk, made a turn, couldnt see the road, my bike swerved and i hit the road divider, fell on my left shoulder and broke it along with injuries on my elbows: though i managed to pick my bike up and go home. Totally Not Necessary. Rule 1) DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!.
    Next morning had an XRay which showed a break. Luckily the cracked bones hadnt displaced too much, so it was not that painful. I was prescribed to wear the 8-Ring clavicle support along with an arm sling to reduce mobility. The second day itself i was able to move around without much pain and decided to loiter around with my girlfriend. On the third day i was trying to read the newspaper when i tried to squat on the ground, placed my left knee on the floor forgetting that i had an injury there. As soon as i did that, my left arm (injured one) by reflex caught the side of the bed and i had a searing pain due to the impact. Now it was paining! I spent the whole night in pain not knowing what to do. Then i visited the doctor who tightened up the 8-Ring which gave me immediate relief. I immediately decided to rest completely and did that for 2 1/2 straight weeks. Just slept all day, watched TV, ate and slept more.
    There was pain initially while getting up and lying down. Also changing clothes was a big pain in the bum. All of it went away in 3 weeks and by the 4the week, i was feeling very uncomfortable wearing the sling, so i removed it. Went to the doctor after 6 weeks whereby he told me that the join was strong and i could remove the Ring and do some shoulder exercises.
    Moral 2) Make sure you rest for the first 3 weeks. Rest! Rest! Rest! and eat a really healthy diet rich in calcium and protein.
    Now in my 7th week, i can drive my bike again comfortably. Only i cant lift my hand properly straight up which i think i would be able to do in a few more weeks or so. I sincerely hope i would be able to hit the gym again ( of which i am very fond of).
    Just dont forget to consult your doctor whenver u feel somethings up with ur shoulder or theres some pain. Rest well, eat well and it would get perfect in a jiffy. Yeah the first 3 weeks is crucial.

  5. Jay Avatar

    I’m 20 years old and I broke my right collarbone two years ago playing high school rugby. I was told that it healed perfectly and that the only problem was that I would have a larger than normal bump where the bones fused together(in an overlapping position).Last fall, the pain in my right shoulder felt like it did when I originally broke it. I didn’t think I did anything to re-injure it, so I x-rayed it to be sure. X-rays came back and everything was alright. But I didn’t feel alright. I got a second opinion, and recieved the same results…IT’S ALRIGHT. So I decided to deal with the pain and keep on workin’. Three months went by and I couldn’t lift my arm over my head without intense shooting pain in my neck, shoulder blade and arm. I went to see a orthopedic surgeon and he requested another x-ray. X-rays came back and showed a non-union of the clavicle. He looked at the sets of x-rays I had taken in the fall, and those too showed a non-union. For some reason the radiologist didn’t see the break. I am now waiting 6 to 8 months for surgery to have a plate and screws put in. My company I work for wants me to come back ASAP and I am not recieving any workers compensation because it was a previous injury that had nothing to do with my job. I am not sure how long they will wait before they terminate my employment. I am wondering if anyone has experienced something like this and whether or not there is a case for medical malpractice? I don’t want any money, I just want the damn operation right away so I can get back to normal.

  6. Bill Avatar

    I’m a 56 year old off road racer who broke my clavicle 3/19/06 in a motorcycle crash that also broke 2 ribs and separated my shoulder. By far the collarbone hurt the most, after emergency room visit, then family dr visit I finally got to see an orthopedic dr on 3/29. I told him I needed to be ready to go by 4/23/06 and he indicated that it would not be a problem after viewing the healing that had taken place by comparing ER xray with that days xray. The next Saturday after wraping my self in two figure 8 braces and a rib race I needed to test a change I made to my motorcycle – so I rode it carefully with no problem. Then I got brave and took it out again hit a bump and heard a SNAP and was in extreme pain for about 5 min, after that I was in pain all the time. I just got out of th Dr. office today and the xray showed that the bone did break again and it dropped down half an inch from where it was on the previous break. The encouraging thing was the doctor said todays xray already showed signs of healing.
    I know this was a long post but I felt compelled to write to tell everybody who breaks a collarbone how important it is to heal for the first three weeks, the less you move it the better off you are. Because of my bad judgement I prolonged my recovery, went through unnecessary pain, and deformed my body more than it would have been. Now the dr wants me to wear braces and sling for two weeks straight.
    SO PLEASE DO NOT GET IN A HURRY, LET IT HEAL, your commitments can wait!

  7. Tom Avatar

    I’m a cyclist and I broke my right clavicle 12 years ago now. The break is near the shoulder end of the bone. My injury never really healed so I have a “Floating clavicle”. This has affected my life quite a bit. I have to be careful how I sit. Too long leaning forward and my neck and shoulder just kill me. If you think about how many things that require you to lean slightly forward you will start to realize how big of a problem this is.
    Cycling has always been a challenge. Short races are OK, but long rides are very challenging. I did a 100 mile ride last year and about 2/3 the way through the pain was almost blinding… I’m thinking about going in for surgery now. I keep reading about people that say to not go for surgey, but I can not imagine that being worse. Does anyone have stories about good vs bad surgey experiences?

  8. george Avatar

    I went Friday for x-rays. Mine was a complete break with the two halves overlapping each other. The x-rays looked the same as it did the day I broke it, still not contacting each other. I was discouraged at first, because it has been 5 weeks!!! The doctor told me that it was OK and that I could get back on the bike whenever I felt I could. I am dying to get back on the road and plan to do a small ride this week. I start PT tomorrow. I am out of the sling all together and I can move my arm 1000 times more than I could even 2 weeks ago. I just can’t get my arm over my head yet, but I heard that in PT they are going to put my arm over my head whether I can do it or not. Any pain I have now is not from the break but all the muscles in my shoulder and upper arm. Even though I was doing exercises, I think I was starting to get a frozen shoulder.

  9. Karyn Avatar

    Thanks for the reply George, Its funny I was thinking about getting my arm on the handlebars of my trainer as well today but lucky some common sense kicked in before I did.I’m so glad I found this site, The info is great, its like being in our own club. I’m now on the 8th day of recovery, I still have no pain but I can feel the bones shift (or maybe thats grind) a little when I walk but not like when I first did it. I also tripped and fell over on the weekend. I landed on my knees luckily but I hope the force of it didn’t set me back. I’m dying to go have another x ray done just to see how its all going but I think I should be patient for at least another week.

  10. george Avatar

    Karyn, it sounds like you are doing a lot better than I was doing. I could not move my arm for about 10 days without it hurting. I am at 4 weeks and 5 days since I broke my left collarbone. Everyday now I can do more and more with my left arm. These posts have been great because I used some of the timeframes to set goals for myself, like getting both arms on the handlebars while riding on the trainer. With four weeks to your race, you would be about the time where I am now. I feel great but I could not ride a motocross race this weekend, but I am also 39 years old and you are a lot younger. The one thing I have read numerous places about broken collarbones, is that the first week is crucial in keeping your collarbone still so the healing can start. Good luck in your recovery.

  11. Karyn Avatar

    hi I’m 25 and broke and displaced my right collarbone 4 days ago on my motorbike. I have had no pain since the first night so I don’t take any pain killers. I wear a sling but take it off when I lie down (which is most of the time),I stretch my arm out on a pillow and sleep and rest with it straight. Is this ok?? I have an important motocross race in 4 weeks but after reading these posts I might have to give it a miss.:( I too want to take my sling off after a week. (I dont want to get a frozen shoulder) I have walked around for a bit with it off and don’t feel uncomfortable at all but I know I should keep it on for awhile, so I will be interested to see how Mikes x rays went.

  12. Mike Shiflett Avatar

    I broke mine 3 and 1/2 weeks ago skiing. I also am a cyclist. I have not been on my bike since. I stopped wearing the sling after day 6 or 7. I use my broken side until it nearly hurts then stop using it. The sling and figure of 8 brace are terrible to wear for long periods of time. My dr said that it would take longer to heal without the sling or brace but too bad for me. I find having use of my right arm and hand to outweigh a two week acceleration in healing. Also I read lots sbout slings and braces on the net and there are mixed views. I like the one that starts getting the arm back in action quickly. I figure that if I wear the sling all the time then when everyting is healed I’ll have about 2 weeks of rehab time on the bad arm side so to me it’s a wash except I get to use my arm and hand a little. It is painfull especially the first few weeks. Now it’s a nuisance as I get teased into doing something only to have to stop doing it and using my left hand and arm again. I have another x ray in a week so we’ll see how my strategy is working.

  13. Steve Avatar

    Hello fellow collarbone breakees! I broke my collar bone a month ago today. Unlike the rest of you, mine was self-inflicted. It was my work leaving-do and I got completely w*nkered on cocktails. Managed to fall down a load of concrete stairs landing right on the shoulder. I woke up dazed, confused and in pain at the local Accident & Emergency. It still hurts and comes at a bad time as I’m relocating. X-rays have revealed it is healing well. I suspect I’ll be ‘out of action’ for a couple more months yet. ***Can anyone advise on or describe any exercises I could do to get the things going again, now that it is healing? I’m scared to move it too much, if I stretch out I get a sensation of pressure build-up, so I try and avoid moving it too much as a result. ***Could this be a nerve problem?

  14. george Avatar

    It is nice to read the posts about broken collarbones. Two weeks ago I was in a metric century and crashed breaking my left collarbone. I was on the back of a small paceline and stood up to reposition myself when my left foot came unclipped. I lost control and went down hard cracking my brand new Giro helmet and breaking my collarbone. I got back on the trainer last Thursday and have spent 30 minutes a day since then. Reading these posts has given me a positive outlook, thank you for that, particularly the post that said by week 4 you were able to use both arms on the trainer. This one arm stuff is tough. I have some long rides coming up at the end of April first of May including a three day 250 miler. I have enough time right?

  15. liza Avatar

    can I just say… sand boarding rocks!!! lol.. ica, peru an amazing place to visit if you’re a traveler, backpacker or anyone who would love to sand boarding in these amazing dunes. the best part were the dune buggies. but the dunes were where my accident took place. . so my brave little ass and by little I mean 5’1, 105 pounds. ..k. I decided to take the biggest hill and started coming down pretty fast, like an idiot I waxed my board. first mistake. second I started losing control of my board towards the end of the hill when.. I totally ate it. and landed on my right shoulder. yes, lame, I know. but overall an amazing time and I got to meet a lot of interesting people along the way. ok this might sound a bit odd… but I wish my left clavicle would have broke instead of the right. since that is my dominant side. but after just 2 weeks I’m surprised how well my arm feels. a book you guys might like to read during your healing time : between a rock and a hard place by aron ralston. I loved it. and I would like to thank everyone who posted their unique stories. its helped me a lot today.

  16. Hans Avatar

    Zoe – Lumps are part of broken collarbones. In some cases they reduce in time. Because of all the variations of breaks and people’s bodies, it’s impossible to say if yours will change.
    You should speak with a physical therapist about getting your arm and shoulder back in shape. Each person’s injury is unique and one exercise might be good for one person but not another. You don’t want to risk more injury. But I do recommend you try to move your arm and shoulder while you are recovering. Otherwise you risk getting something called a frozen socket. Movement should only be to the point just shy of pain. Again, I recommend speaking with a physical therapist.
    While I was healing I would occasionally feel pain at the site of the break. It would normally subside after taking a pain reliever.
    How long before the danger of breaking it is reduced? You are sure full of the tough questions! Honestly, that’s another question that only your doctor can give a fair answer to. Each person heals differently. I was lucky and after two months my shoulder was very solid. But others have taken a year or more to heal. Wish I could be more helpful there.
    In any event, heal fast and don’t worry, you will be back up to speed soon enough.

  17. zoe Avatar

    Hi Hans, Zoe here, I’m doing ok and hopefully my rucksack brace can come off next Monday (subject to X-rays). I am left with a bit of a bump – it looks like a pyramid on one side of my neck – this is awful, will it ‘go down’? Also, what do you recommed for exercise for the arm when the brace comes off, I’ve taken the brace off just recently on a couple of occasions and the muscle and arm definitely feels very weak, maybe it’s because I’m being very cautious. How do you suggest building up it’s strength again? It seems strange to think at this stage that I may be strong enough to compete again and do everything I used to do. The point of the bone hurts too. I guess it’s still very sensitive, but what do you think? How long will it be before the danger of breaking it again is reduced somewhat? Many thanks in advance of your feedback Zoe

  18. luca Avatar

    hello i’m luca from italy.on 28 march(two day after my 29 birthday) i broken my clavicle and other bone in a terrible car incident.the clavicle fracture was the worst.the doctor opted for a figure a 8 because surgery was full of complication.after two month my clavicle wasn’t healed so they give me a bone stimulator.i was desperated for my clavicle and for the disability.i can’t work.what a nightmare!but after three month there were some sign of union and after five month the bone was healed!today 10 month after the accident i have again a little pain and some movements are a little unconfortable but my shoulder strength is to 100%(i’m an olimpic wheightlifer and can to lift a 360 lb barbel overhead)so don’t worry too much it is a long process but if i’m retourned to a full life also you can!good luck to all(excuse for bad englih)

  19. sunil Avatar

    i had met with an accident & my right colour bon had broken , and it heeled in step

  20. Hans Avatar

    Trish – You can keep up your fitness with a stationary bike. No impact on the shoulder and a very good workout. That’s what I ended up doing and was back racing within 6 weeks. When can you get back in the water? Each person’s recovery is unique. Listen to people’s thoughts but stick with what your doc says. Otherwise you risk screwing up your shoulder and going back to day one.

  21. tricia muller Avatar
    tricia muller

    hi i’m trish
    broke my collar bone the day before my 21st in a car accident
    midshaft right side. am in the navy and was supposed to be doing a changeover to Physical Training Instructor early feb. Had surgery four days after the accident and seem to be healing well! Not being able to do any fitness is killing me!! Just want to get down and smash out 100 pushups… when can i get back into doing pushups?? Unfortunatly have to spend all summer watching everyone else surf… when can i get back in the water? Still in a sling but often wake up without it on and my arm is outstretched!! ooops!!!

  22. zoe Avatar

    great, many thanks hans for the advice, will let you know how i get on 🙂
    best regards

  23. Hans Avatar

    Zoe – Sorry to hear about the crash. What a rotten way to bring in the New Year! Although, if sounds as if your friend set you up in style.
    If you haven’t had a chance to read through the other two related pages here on my site then go and do so. There’s more feedback from people that should be helpful. The links are back near the top of this page.
    A sling is helpful in relieving the strain on your shoulder. But, it’s important that when you use one that you also remove your arm and bend the joints occasionally. Otherwise you risk stiff joints.
    Finding a comfortable way to sleep is unique per person. I found lying on my back with a pillow slightly supporting my arm and elbow helped. I also used a brace that held my upper arm close to my body.
    Your jaw pain is probably independent. If it continues to bother you then be sure to have a doctor take a look.
    As for getting back into fitness… Do you have access to a gym? If so then you might be able to use a staionary bike. Or even a stairclimber. But, give yourself a week or so before training again. You won’t lose much fitness in that amount of time and you really need to give your body a chance to recover. The first week or so is the most important. Keep the shoulder stable. No movement during that time. Later, ease into your workouts. Look at the program I used above and adjust accordingly. Note how easy it was at the beginning.
    Heal fast.

  24. zoe phillips Avatar

    hi, although i considered myself quite an accomplished boarder, i broke my collarbone in a magnificent snowboarding wipe out on new year’s eve(2 days ago)in the beautiful swiss ski resort of crans montana. even though it was an exciting tour down the mountain in an orange body bag through ice and slush, sitting in pain in Sion hospital new year’s eve, not speaking much french, hearing the fireworks and laughter outside was torture, plus the worry about competing in triathlons again this summer – i was just starting to improve my swim and win my runs, do i need to start training from scratch?i am worried because i was 39yrs old a month ago too, all the above patients sound younger though i would declare myself as equally fit:)it’s therefore day2. i have no indoor bike trainer what can i do to help ease my way back to fitness. in great pain now and worried about the length of time it will heal and the aesthetics afterwards. the hospital only gave me a rucksac brace to wear, no sling,should i ask for one? i have read the suggestions to take calcium supplements,so assume this is a good start. how long do i need to sleep with the pillow under my spine?i can sleep for about 4 hours but then wake with intense back pain. i also experience pain when i move my jaw, is this ok?appologies for the poor writing style – i’m not usually a left handed person! right-handed Zoe ps. my thanks to enrique for coming down off the slope, collecting me from hosp and shopping at co-op for the smoked salmon, marinated king prawns and moet plus 12 seedless grapes, to bring in the new year a little less painfully!!

  25. Dan Osborne Avatar
    Dan Osborne

    I broke my left clavicle 5 weeks ago playing football. Went up for a header and got tackled in mid air! came down full weight on my shoulder, heard a huge crack and ended in hospital. Just as other people have said the pain was terrible.I have great sympathy for everyone who has done the same.Its not easy being able to do just about nothing, especially when your normally so active. After hours in A&E the doctors decided i didnt require surgery which was a big relief. They told me it was a standard break i had and to keep it in a sling until i came back for more x rays in 6 weeks time. The bone is showing under the skin at the moment. Will this go down after a while or be like that forever? and are there any exercises i could do to start strenghting my shoulder again?

  26. Don Howard Avatar
    Don Howard

    I broke my left clavicle about three weeks ago. I was playing two-hand touch football with some eighth graders. I slipped and feel while trying to tag one of them. I heard the bone snap. There was no doubt in my mind; I knew immediately that I had broken my collar bone. I went to the emergency room right away. After about three hours of waiting, I was brought to radiology and had x-rays taken. There is about a 1 inch gap between the displaced bone. I made appointments to see a couple doctors. I have seen an othopedic specialist as well as a sports doctor. They informed me that my left clavicle will be “S” shaped after the 1 inch gap is filled with calcium to stabilize and join the displaced bone. My left shoulder has dropped and will heal that way. The sports doctor has given me a rope and pulley system to begin stretching the arm so that the shoulder joint doesn’t lock up on me. It seems like in today’s high-tech would that we would have devised a way (other than surgery) of putting the displaced bone back into place. For now, I am using a sling and enduring the pain like the rest of you unfortunate souls with fractured clavicles.

  27. Hans Avatar

    Carol – If you aren’t comfortable with your doctor then get another’s opinion. But be sure you are not searching for the answer you want vs. the answer you are getting. Also, does the doctor you are using understand athletes and their needs? If not then look for an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports related injuries. They will understand the needs of your daughter.
    Brian – Sorry to tell you but the only way to know is to have a doctor evaluate the injury. I haven’t heard of anyone breaking a collar bone through weight lifting but I won’t rule it out. As I recommended above, you should seek a doctor that specializes in sports injuries. And continuing to work your chest might be making the injury worse. Scale way back on the weight or stop until you get evaluated.

  28. BRIAN GIBBS Avatar


  29. carol Avatar

    Still looking for any comments from Sept. 21st entry. The Doc doesn’t even want us to come back until Jan. If the bone doesn’t heal together, will she ever be able to play Goalie? Can’t get a straight answer from the Doc. Is it worth going to a different Doc at this point?
    Any views?

  30. Hans Avatar

    Kimberly – Dang, sorry to hear about your crash and especially that it happened during a CX race. I began the training program above about a week and half after my break. Be sure to sit upright for the first two weeks or so and not put any strain on your shoulder. I wore my sling during my workouts. You will have to wash it afterwards or you will get stinky sling and then nobody will hang with you :’)
    Riding the trainer is also a good time to catch up on movies. Pop one in the DVD and then do your workout. Really helps with the boredom. Oh, and if you want to ride a virtual CX race, download some of my videos and watch them:
    Have a quick recovery!

  31. kimberly Avatar

    hans, thanks for this workout schedule. is this week 1 as in 7 days after the break, or several weeks after? i broke my right clavical in a cross race crash on saturday. hurts to even walk around the block right now. and i was just getting into cross!! thanks!

  32. Hans Avatar

    Wendy – Having one shoulder higher than the other is common. It can be long term if the bones mend but they don’t align the same as before the break. That’s one of the reasons it’s important to keep the shoulders aligned while waiting to heal.
    I hope your daughter recovers quickly.

  33. Wendy Avatar

    My 12 year old daughter just broke her collar bone yesterday. Playing hide and seek of all things. Instead of just tagging her friend, she tried to tackle her and landed right on her shoulder. Of course she has been in a lot of pain but thanks to the meds she is managing the pain with no complaints. Hopefully I will get her in to see the orthopedic tomorrow or soon after. My question is that this morning I noticed that her left shoulder is higher than her right one. It was the right side that she broke. I’ve adjusted her splint. Is it normal right after a brake? Should one shoulder he hingher?

  34. Hans Avatar

    Jan – It’s impossible to tell if you have a broken collar bone. The only way is by having a doctor take a look. Your symptoms are general enough that they could indicate a collar bone break. But they could also indicate a strained muscle. If you did break your collar bone you would recall the accident. I do know that your eye brow line will have nothing to do with your collar bone.

  35. Jan Modglin Avatar
    Jan Modglin

    I do not know what I have done. The right and left side of my neck/shoulders does not match. I have a bump near the center of my chest, but off to one side(right). I also have some discomfort there, but thought it was due to work related phone time. Could I have broken my collar bone and not known it.
    Also, I read on another web site about a person that had the same thing, plus his eye browe line was also lower on that side. I have that also, but do not know if they are connected.
    Any thoughts???

  36. Carol Avatar

    How bad was the break? What does the X-Ray look like now? I wouldn’t think that it would be strong enough yet for football. The first time my daughter broke hers playing Goalie in Soccer 2 years ago. It was a greenstick fracture and healed so well that there was no evidence even on X-Ray that it had ever been broken.However, it was 3 full months before the Dr. gave her the OK to dive on the ground or play as keeper to avoid the risk of breaking it worse.
    This time is different. She broke the same collarbone falling off of a trampoline May 26, 2005. She has a displaced lateral fracture. We’ve moved to a new city and didn’t have a Doctor. We got 5 opinions on treatment: 3 said surgery, 2 said not. I read all of the complications that come with the surgery and opted for non-surgical treatment. She had NO pain with this break and I didn’t want surgery to cause any and risk complications. Just went to the Dr. today and the X-Ray doesn’t look any better than it did 8 weeks ago. The Dr. said to give it 6 more months and that she can play Soccer but not Goalie. Now I wonder if we shouldn’t have had the surgery. We’re talking almost a year recovery period. She is devastated about not being able to play Goalie for this long. Needless to say that her team has fallen in ranking because she was the only trained Goal Keeper.
    I wonder now if I went to another Dr. if it’s too late for surgery. We’re so disappointed at the rate or lack of healing. She is 14 years old and should heal faster than this.
    Any suggestions?

  37. Shannon Ellard Avatar

    Help! My 15 year old son broke his collarbone playing hockey (non contact!) four weeks ago. Yesterday the doc said the sling could go and that he could start playing FOOTBALL! As long as there was no contact and that in two more weeks, contact would be okay. This to me sounds NUTS! My son is the Quarterback – TARGET – on his team. Anyone have any advice? I need help as I seem to be the only one worried about him.
    Thank you,

  38. Marshall Gifford Avatar
    Marshall Gifford

    I broke my collarbone on RAGBRAI, the bike ride across Iowa, on July 28th. One my teammates hit me hard from the left and next thing I know I was sliding along the highway at 30 mph. I got up and checked out the road rash, which was immense, and when I turned to see what was left of my bike, my left shoulder was really loose and moved. I am now 4 weeks into it, my road rash is mostly gone and I was able to stop wearing my sling today. The first week I couldn’t move my left arm at all. Now I can move it and eat normally and the constant aching is finally gone. I still feel the bones rubbing and clicking every so often, so I know it is not healed. But at least it doesn’t move every time I take a step. I can get my left arm out to the handlebars to ride my trainer but am scared to put any weight on it. So I still ride with it strapped to my chest with an ace wrap. I have been riding my trainer since day four for 30 to 60 minutes per day and feel like I am maintaining great fitness. Things are progressing but not as fast as I would like. I have a follow up visit with my doc next week. I hope to be able to hit the road again in mid Sept. after I get a new bike. My frame was totaled in the crash. Good luck to all of you in your healing.

  39. Becki Avatar

    I broke my right side collar bone 2 weeks on Thursday, this site helped me through, thanks a bunch!!!! I learned alot from all you guys… I fell over my daughters scooter to break mine(not as exciting as most of you) but the pain is just as bad…. The fiqure eight sling has been a lifesaver, when I take it off now, for too long I begin to ache. I go back for a second x-ray on Friday, hopefully good news. I thougtht 2 days ago I was healed enough to stop taking my pain meds and wearing my sling… boy did I learn a hard lesson , by 2pm, I was in extreme pain, and once your in pain ,its hard to get it under control…. !!! So take my advice control your pain, before it happens!!!! This site really was sooo much help, I felt better knowing I wasnt the only one, and what I was feeling was , what was suppose to happen… so thanks again… I guess time is the only healer for this painful break, I can tell you I have gotten great at using my left hand, In the begining I could hardly feed myself, brush my hair, teeth anything…. its tough… but I am getting better everyday… thanks again, Becki

  40. Tom Avatar

    I’m a 23y old male vet student, and managed to break my left clavicle 10 weeks (!) ago. Its in the nasty ‘lateral third’ category. Im in a bit of a race against time to avoid having to take a year out of my course. last xray at 6 weeks showed no healing, and am going back tomorrow for another xray. Not very hopeful though cos although whilst im standing its in an ok position, when i lie down its sticking up like crazy. does anybody know how much it can be moving and still be on the way to healing??
    tried to keep it still, and now my shoulder is freezing up. joy. having physio, but even the physio is scared to move it. Its good to hear from others in my situation! was offered surgery 4 weeks ago but he also said it had every chance of healing by itself and it was my decision. sometimes i wish they would decide the best treament for me!!
    Good luck healing,

  41. suzy Avatar

    dear laura i need to read this , i am so upset i have been 4 days with my new broken collar bone a new xray shows the bone on top of each other and i can get no help doed it really matter if the bone is not togather?? i am very depressed i have a race in november……and am trying to believe in miracles suzy

  42. Laura Avatar

    Im a 17 year old girl that broke her collarbone from falling off a horse. we went over a jump and we landed really bad. the horse ended up falling too. ive been riding for 4 years and this is the only really bad fall that ive ever had. but anyways…ive got hope for all that are scared that they may need surgery. my right collar bone was broken and displaced. the ends of the bone are now 6 cm apart. and lucky me i have that well loved little bump. i went to the orthopedic and i do not need to have surgery!!! our body does amazing things, just believe in it! mine did!

  43. kris Avatar

    I broke my collar bone by hitting a tree after getting thrown off an ATV (back on Halloween weekend) it is now Feb. and I am still with a broken bone. For some reason it is not healing, WHY??? Im only 32 years old I thought it would have begun to heal by now. My Doctor tells me to wait be patient.What is a girl to do??

  44. Hans Avatar

    Marcia – You really need to have a doctor examine your son. That’s the only way to know.

  45. Marcia Black Avatar
    Marcia Black

    My son Corey is a Junior in HS and has broken his collarbone 5 times. This is the first time in a football injury. He is ready after 1 week to begin exercises and get to playing again!! Will he be ready to exercise yet? Marcia

  46. John Petrakis Avatar
    John Petrakis

    Hans; Sorry I missed you at the coffee shop. Cynthia gave me your website address so we could chat. Sounds like my clavicle break is very similar to yours. The training program you used is a very reasonable program and your advice is spot on regarding surgery. Allignment is very important. My Ortho has had me in an adjustable shoulder harness from the beginning. The harness wraps around both shoulders and keeps them back so that the bones stay alligned and reduces movement thus which lessens the pain while training, but it is really constricting and difficult to wear 24 hours a day. I’ve been in it for three weeks now. For the first week I wore both the harness and the sling. But, I still have a bump. Hope to meet you when I’m in SF next, which will be the end of July. John

  47. Hans Avatar

    Jacqui – I’m not a doc and also don’t know how bad your break is but I would recommend *avoiding* surgery. This was the recommendation from my doctor and also from my own research. The need for surgey only arose if the bone had broken through the skin, the bone was pressing on nerves or blood vessels, or the break would not heal on its own. Otherwise, our body is amazingly adept at healing itself and especially broken collar bones.
    Be sure to get another doctor’s opinion about your break. Also, a doctor that treats sports injuries has probably seen many busted collar bones and might give you some better news.
    For now, be sure to keep that shoulder stabilized. The first week is the most important for allowing the bones to fuse back together. Too much movement and you can hamper the process. Then you might actually need surgery.
    As for myself, I’m fully recovered from my break and only have a small bump where the ends fused back together.
    Best of luck in your recovery!

  48. jacqui Avatar

    also broke collar bone but told i’ve got to hav a plate fitted which i don’t particularly want. do you know anything re procedure? run a business and don,t have much time for surgery! hope you,re feeling better soon!

  49. Jim Carson Avatar

    Thanks for posting the followup — glad you’re doing better! – Jim

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