Broken Clavicle No More!

Or maybe I should title this “What’s your problem? Look at Tyler Hamilton!”

Back at the end of May I busted my left clavicle (collar bone). You can read about it here “Broken Clavicle”. It’s been almost 3 months and everything seems to be healed up fine. I have a nice little bump where the ends of the bone have fused together. The long portion never pulled itself back down and it now doesn’t align with the small end. Thus the bump.

Occasionally my shoulder gets sore or I get a slight jolt of pain. Playing volleyball, especially extending the hands and arms out and upward, will make it sore. On the bike, if I bunny-hop or pull up sharply on the bars it hurts a bit in my shoulder. Overall though, I feel good.

During my earlier visit to see Dr. Testa, he created a workout schedule for me. It’s purpose was to help me maintain my fitness and allow me to get back onto the bike and racing as soon as possible. The schedule was designed for use with a stationary trainer. He also instructed that I should raise the front wheel so that the strain on shoulder was reduced and that I should stop an exercise if any pain arose in my shoulder.

Here’s the schedule he gave me for use with my bike on a stationary trainer. It’s a three week plan and each day is broken into a morning and an evening workout. Having two workouts per day reduced the stress on the shoulder.

Recovery Training Program

Week 1

Days 1-3

morning: 15′ = easy spin
evening: 15′ = same as morning

Days 4-5

morning: 25′ = easy spin with high cadence (95+ rpm) for last 10′
evening: 25′ = same as morning

Days 6-7

morning: 30′ = alternating 5′ high cadence (95+ rpm) and HR (75%-83%) with 5′ lower cadence (85-90 rpm) and HR (<73%)
evening: 30′ = same as morning

Weeks 2 and 3

Day 1 (off)

Day 2

morning: 20′ = easy spin with high cadence (100) and HR (75%-78%)
evening: 30′ = 10′ warm-up, 5 x 2′ increasing resistance at 60 rpm and HR (<83%) with 2′ recovery

Day 3

morning: 30′ = 10′ easy spin HR (<70%), 10′ easy spin HR (75%-80%), 10′ easy spin HR (80%-88%)
evening: 45′ = 2 x 10′ and HR (75%-80%) with 5′ recovery, easy for last 20′

Day 4

morning: 45′ = 10′-15′ warm-up with cadence (90-95 rpm) and HR (<70%), 2 sets of raising HR (70%) up to HR (93%) with increases of ~2.5% Max HR (for me it’s 5 beats) every 2′
evening: 45′ = same as morning

Day 5

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-80%)
evening: 40′ = 10′ warm-up, 5 x 3′ increasing resistance at 55-60 rpm and 2′ recovery, 5′-10′ easy spin for cool down

Day 6

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-83%)
evening: 40′ = 10′-15′ warm-up, 3 x 10′-12′ at HR (80%-88%) and 4′ recovery

Day 7

morning: 25′ = easy spin with last 10′ at 100 rpm and HR (75%-83%)
evening: 45′ = 10′ warm-up, 30′ constant spin at HR (80%-85%), 5′ cool down

Fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

I would also wear my sling during the workouts. I tried without it a couple of times but my shoulder muscles would start aching. I also found that sitting upright reduced the strain.

Soon after finishing this workout I headed out to Europe for a month long trip. The first portion of my trip was a bike camp in Spain. The training program above paid off and I was able to ride all of the routes and distances in the camp. Over the remaining portion of my trip I added many more miles and my shoulder started feeling better and better. Riding in the Pyrenees, watching the Tour de France live, and seeing Lance Armstrong kick butt were highlights.

Of course with Tyler Hamilton blasting the field with his broken collar bone I was getting no sympathy! But it also goes to show how quickly you may recover from this type of break.


More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
What To Expect From A Broken Clavicle (collar bone)
Chad’s Broken Collar Bone Report

DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

218 responses

  1. marie Avatar

    I fractured my clavicle at the distal third. (I also collpased a lung, and fracture ribs). This occured during a bike accident. It has been 4 months. I seemed to be improving very slowly, though fracture was not healed. Recently, I took a rough train trip from Chicago to Calif. After, I began to have sharp, nerve-like pain druing certain arm rasing movements. This pain is so excruciating that it sends me to my knees. I can push on the fractured bone with little to no pain, so it seems to be more of a soft tissue issue. Has anyone else experienced this? I am 46 years old woman,and expected a slow recovery, but I thought I would progressively get better–not worse. I am very discouraged, as I thought I’d be back t normal activity by now. Any help would be appreciated.

    From what you describe it might be an impinged nerve. I would recommend you check with your doctor.

  2. KP Avatar

    I too broke my collar bone 2 weeks ago downhill mtn biking. Like many of you mine ending up overlapping a bit and I have a bump now. I haven’t worn a sling for the last several days as I find it more comfortable to be able to move my arm around freely. I’ve found that if I move my arm to far in certain angles/directions then I get shooting pains (nerve like) in my bicept on that side. Has anyone else experienced this?
    I have a follow up w/ my Dr next week and will probably get another xray to see if the bones are fusing properly. But I’m curious if others had muscle pains in their traps, shoulder and arms.

  3. Jessica Venables Avatar
    Jessica Venables

    What a bloody nightmare the collarbone never thought it could cause such problems!
    I had a clean break, the bone tented my skin but my Doc said it will heal no problem. I had a smelly figure of eight brace. Non union of clavicle so after nine weeks I go to the surgeon and he does a bone graft on my hip. Then plated it to my collarbone with 7 screws and a vice. The hip graft hurts like mad the collar bone feels fine. It has been 6 weeks and the Doc says it looks good although he can’t tell until another 4 weeks if it is a solid union. Wow soooo long to wait. The x ray looks the same to me after the surgery and 6 weeks later. Now I am starting rehab. It took quite a long time for the hip to feel good. Now I sarted walking uphill, indoor bike and swimming like a dog with a floater under my stomach. Does anybody know if it is normal for the xrays to look the same? I totally forgot to ask my doctor this Q.

  4. Will Avatar

    Hi there fellow collar bone break sufferers! Broke my coming off the MTB in Scotland 3 days ago now. Have a sling and have fabricated a figure of 8 using a physio’s latex band (really good for posture and holds shoulder blades closer). This blog has been great and has helped me come to terms with the challenge. I am national standard veteran (43 years old) hill runner and duathlete with a full programme of events. The x ray revealed that the broken ends sit next to each other – I can feel them meeting! Keeping my fingers crossed that i can get on the static trainer and get some uphill walking done within the week. Off to the French Alps tomorrow with the family. No hill running or road running for me though. Any thoughts on when to start what exercises?

    I’ve been told over and over that the first two weeks should be mostly rest. Your body needs time to for recovery, especially at the beginning. Starting exercise too soon just diverts resources from healing.
    I began my recovery training program around two weeks after the accident. As you can see from the schedule it begins rather easy. But it soon progresses harder. This allowed me to maintain my fitness and be ready to ride again once I was given the green light.
    Also, everyone’s injury is unique. So recovery times are all different. Listen to your body and try not to push things too soon. Many comments here from folks that pushed it too soon and re-injured themselves.

  5. Sebastian Avatar

    I Fractured right my collar bone in atv wreck 6 weeks ago. 2 weeks ago i got my x ray and the connective tissue was visible from the x ray and the doc said to start my therapy. But yesterday my friend slap me on my right shoulder pretty hard. I didnt feel any pain on my collar bone or anything i still could lift my arm up and do my therapy excercises without pain, Phew..but i am really worried that it broke agian and my doc is out of town for 2 weeks. so my question is if the connective tissue broke would you be able to feel the pain.

  6. Pete Avatar

    btw to srivasa… my dc said surgery could cause it not to heal. sure i might have a bump. dnt know about disabiliy.. i believe in rehab & phisio to help me achieve wht i wish. i’ll just have to work with it.
    face it.. the body is a miraculous thing. have faith bro

  7. Pete Avatar

    thanks for the reply mate..
    i got a second opinion from a specialist on my dads health insurance.. said pretty much same as the nhs a&e doc. only bonus was the tip on pulling both shoulder blaeds together in order to help things slip into place.
    he insists geometry will sort itself out back to the norm.. though this could be general psych tactics on reducing my worry.
    no activity for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time is the only thing thats certain. gonna take up swimming & yoga in a month when i get back to london. i was getting to big anyway lol.. lifes about balance after all.. his simply reinforces the tact i gotta calm down ๐Ÿ˜›
    the musculer pain went today for which i feel amazing. i can get out of bed on my own without feeling like i’m dieing. had my first shower in 4 days.. my armpit was smelling like a dirty vagina lol. i exagerate not !!!
    one tip i note to anyone reading this is GIVE up doing things for yourself.2 days ago i made breakfast. a the weight of a bowl pushed my bone out further and reduced me to tears for a day that felt like a life time. not cool.
    to think a week befor i was picking up 120 kgs…………
    i am visciously independant.. however that ain’t going to work.
    i spent 24 hour on my ass playing final fantasy 12. life passess by & thing feel good. freaky but good.
    another tip… i had my dad put my mattress at aa tilt by placing pillows underneith. it makes sleep amazing & also makes it possible to get out of bed. which was impossibly challenging last week.
    other tip.. for when it hurts real bad.. standing up from sit down.. place your good hand to the back of your head and apply pressure. this some how re distributes pressure away frm the clavical. noticably so.
    i can’t wait for this to be healed. hoping i’m back to norm in 2 weeks.. enough to party a bit. uni’is just broken up for the first year.. & theres this girl .. snooze you loose you know ๐Ÿ˜›
    i miss my motorbike.

  8. Srivasa Avatar

    Hi Folks,
    My son had a fall from his bike as his skided on road. He has a AC-Clavical fracture as the Doctor calls it. The Surgeon-doctor advises surgery otherwise he says the healing may be slower and the broken bone ends joining with unpredictable results. Surgeon says it is a minor surgery during which a plate will be fixed by screws to align the bones and after six weeks plates too will be removed by another surgery. In these days of medical advancement is it oK to have the surgery done. What are the pit falls, if any. In these coloumns I read many avoiding surgery even if it means living with a slight hump or slight disability in using their arms as before fracture. Why not decide on surgery straight away instead of waiting for the body to perform a miracle to heal itself. Is surgery such a dreaded stuff nowadays. Can some one give me the correct guidance as I am unable to decide on Surgery.
    I find this a vey useful blog site.

  9. Pete Avatar

    Hey guys. Quality site Hans. very useful!
    Aight.. heres my problems.. having a feew drinks and playing stupid man games last night with the lads from work. the weathers beautiful for once here in england.. summers starting. its nice.
    anyway.. i rugby tackled my boss and landed badley.
    that instant i knew that wasn’t good. a few drinks had me in not too much pain.. though mentally.. i feel freaked out cause somethings wrong inside i cant see or change.
    anyway.. straight to hospital.. x-ray within half hour (record i swear). i was right.. drunken mates were wrong. snapped my clavical. its not as bad as the xrayz i’ve seen here and on wikipedia. the bottom of the bone is still intact..the impact pushed the left side near my neck up.. the right sides down a bit.
    my main concern is mobility factors later on. i weight train heavy & its a love in my life. i was going to start MMA or boxing soon.. not looking likely. night stick to yoga instead.
    i know everyones unique and that.. but you guys rekon it kileky in the sapce thats been created by the snap.. that new bone will simply form.. or will somehow the piece be drawn back in.
    i don’t like the new shape thats left.. but iguess its tough shit really.
    has any one had experiences where the shape dramaticlly pulls backin to similar space of its original allignment !?
    also.. pain.. its not been 24 hours.. and generally i’m feeling mobile. to my frustration its my wanking arm. and my mouse arm. in theory if i rest my arm on my desk whilst typing. no strees on the clavical.. this would be aright right !?
    Safe, much Love peeps x

    Ah the drunken tackle collar bone break. That’s a new one I need to add to the list!
    So it sounds like you busted yourself pretty good. It is possible for the body to “pull” the broken ends back towards each other and fill in the gap. It depends on many factors though. The distance of the broken ends from each other, how much movement occurs in the break area while healing, your own natural healing abilities… It goes on and on and that really makes it frustrating trying to find information. Just note that the first two weeks are very important for letting your body begin this mending process. Too much movement during this time can hinder the mending and delay or even stop it. Keep your arm in the sling, don’t put pressure on the shoulder, and don’t do any activities that will strain or move the collar bone.
    You mention doing weight lifting and other sports. I highly recommend that you have a second opinion from an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports injuries. You may heal on your own but if you heal with poor geometry in your shoulder you impact your active lifestyle.

  10. Bravada in Hawaii Avatar
    Bravada in Hawaii

    Thanks so much for your reply,
    That is what I thought that everybodys broken wing is unique. so far, I am getting fatigue so easily and My left leg and hip hurt a lot in the mornings. Today is the 8th day after the fact and I am looking forward to have more energy and do some stationary bike and power walk. Maybe later this week. I will let you know more later,
    Bye for now

  11. Bravada in Hawaii Avatar
    Bravada in Hawaii

    Dear all, I am so glad I found you. One weeek ago, April 20, 2008, I fell from my racing bike and I had a broken coller bone now. I was training for the Honu half Ironman next month May the 31st. I am happy I can train in the stationary bike and I may star doing power walking next week. The Dr (who by the was was very mean to me) said that I dont need surgery but that I can not do any triatlon any time next month and that I can not take any pain medicine either! I am changing bone doctor for sure-believe me! I dont need that when I am a very active person… with feelings. I am seeing the Sports Medicine Dr tomorrow at the University of Hawaii and I will ask him for a second opinion about my race and about a training program to follow during recvery. I am taking pain medicine anyway while in pain since my hip and left leg hurt a lot sometimes. Do you guys think I can do the race? I read abou this older triathle that did the ironman 17 days after she broke her collar bone. What about supplements I read about this one taking calcium nitrate. Please let me know your thoughts.
    I so happy I found you,
    Wish me happy and speedy recovery

    There are too many factors and each person’s break is unique. So the only one that can give you a fair estimate on when you might be able to race will be your doctor. But it’s not impossible for someone to recover in the time you have before the race. I was able to be back on a bike in a month after my break. But I count myself lucky. I think you are doing the right thing going for a second opinion and to a sports doc. Having a doctor that understands the needs of someone with an active lifestyle is very important and can have a big impact on your recovery.

  12. cole Avatar

    i broke my collar bone 2 days ago and i was wondering if there are any work outs i can do for my lower body and my core. i play football and have been lifting sinse december. what should i do?

    There are lots of workouts. Even riding the stationary bike will help to keep your fitness. The trick is to perform exercises that don’t cause you to strain your shoulder and collar bone. Using weight machines can help isolate the movement. For example, the leg press or leg extension machines. Working the core is a little bit trickier as those exercises tend to use and strain the shoulder. I’m not sure what the best would be for that. Maybe someone else has some ideas.

  13. Dan Gallagher Avatar
    Dan Gallagher

    I broke my right collar bone this past Friday in the distal third. The bone Dr. gave just one look and recommended surgery – my family Dr. agreed. So they did the surgery yesterday and the pain was pretty bad this morning (now I’m taking vicadin). In my case the Drs. didn’t even give me a non-surgical option …. I guess because the separation was so great and because the break was in the distal third. Did anyone else have this experience? Thankfully the surgery seems to have gone well and hopefully too, it means the recovery will be faster.

  14. LD Avatar

    Hi Billy,
    My son broke his collar bone last April and had surgery soon after. The surgery went very well and his shoulder looked so much better after. I wouldn’t rush the recovery period everyone is different. The Surgeon gave my son the green light to go after about six weeks and a couple of X-rays. My son left the plate in but has been talking now of getting it out so we’ll see how that goes. Good Luck.

  15. billy Avatar

    hi my name is billy and i am having surgery on my nonunion calvical next week, it hes been broken for 3 months. how long will my recovery be?

  16. Chris Avatar

    I broke mine 12 days ago and have been wearing a figure 8 brace for the last full week. I only wore the sling until I got the brace because it made my shoulder and arm hurt very badly. I too researched the figure 8 online and even my DR said there is no evidence they work. I am using it to keep my clavicle in place because without it my clavicle crunches and I think it moves. So I am going to wear it for another week or 2 for support. I bought the Hely Weber brace and it is much more comfortable than my first one which was almost unbearable! I highly recommend it! It has made my life much less painful. My arm is now less swollen but it was for the first 10 days or so. This is a brutal injury but I am glad I found this post to be able to compare stories and for helpful tips. Good luck to all on the road to recovery.

  17. martin Avatar

    HI guys
    I broke my left clavicle 3 weeks ago while riding a motorbike on a tropical island which had bad roads in Thailand. I saw an orthopedic doctor who said the xray showed the ends of the fracture were close together so i declined surgery and took the figure of 8 brace and sling option. 3 weeks down the line I have had another xray which shows healing has started..I can move my arm a little now without getting a big pain like before. problem is my arm and hand have swollen and if i bend the arm back its painful over the inside of the elbow and also near my wrist (there are no other broken bones so iguess the pain must be muscle aches). Has anyone else had a swollen (larger looking) arm/hand while having theirs in a sling for 3 weeks? the fracture is still fairly tender sometimes, yet other times when the brace is tight it seems ok. I have the bump that everyone is on about too. in fact i though that the bump was the fracture, but the doc said that the fracture was underneath. I took the brace off today for the first time but decided to put it back on again after a shower. sometimes it feels loose unless i press on it with my neck to tighten it or get it tightened. some docs say its useless (google figure of 8 and clavicle etc) and im wondering the same. I think it helps getting up in the morning…i roll on my side first, fold my legs in to the fetal position then use my good arm to lift me up…I can get up a bit more normally now though 3 weeks on. like to hear about the swelling though and if anyone else had it.

    I would highly recommend that you contact your doctor soon about the pain and swelling. That doesn’t sound like a normal recovery.

  18. taylor Avatar

    Okay, scratch that last post… Today i found out its a bit more serious. My doctor told me one week from today i will have to have surgery because its a severe break. He said he will be placing a pin into it for two months then removing it. My question is what is the difference between a pin and a plate? does a pin actually stick out of my skin so they can remove it? If anybody knows a reply would be a great help.

    The pin won’t stick out of your skin. It is inserted through a small incision and threaded through the two broken pieces of the bone. Later, it is removed through another incision.
    A plate requires a larger incision as it must be placed across and screwed into the ends of the broken clavicle.

  19. taylor Avatar

    i just broke my left clavical tonight snowboarding. its a clean break, hurts pretty bad,and the pain meds aren’t fixing it. I am just 19 i dont really know what the deal is will they give me something stronger than vikadin?

  20. Lynne Avatar

    I broke my right clavicle in late August riding my bike. The break wasn’t too severe, and I am 23 and in great health, so I was expecting it to be a fairly quick recovery. Now it’s January, and I still have a non-union. In December, the doctor decided that it had been long enough with little enough progress for me to get an ultrasonic bone growth stimulator. I have been trying to use it every day, but I’m still scared that I’ll end up needing surgery.
    Hopefully, I can nip this thing in the bud before racing season starts again. If I don’t get surgery, the doctor said that at this point my only other option is to just live with a fracture non-union. It barely causes me any pain, and I have almost a full range of motion. Is this a viable option for a young athlete?

    Living with a non-union may be viable. I have friends that still ride and race with non-unions. But it might not be viable depending on the type of physical activity you perform, how bad the break is, etc.. I recommend that you talk with an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports related injuries. That would allow you the opportunity to discuss your injury with someone that should understand your physical needs.

  21. Colleen M. Avatar
    Colleen M.

    I originally wrote to this site on the 28th March 07 having broken my right collarbone on the 19th Feb 07. I have referred back to this site many times and it’s been really helpful, thank you.
    I’m still having problems nearly a year on, firstly I’m having to deal with headshaking from left to right because of nerve damage (which wasn’t there initially, came on some 6-8 weeks later and then went away, only to return), on top of this the Osteopath that is now treating me, tells me my bone healed so badly that all the shoulder joints are out of alignment, causing the muscles across the shoulderblade to be really sore and tender, although I do have my strength back, I sometimes get enormous cracking noises and forget about lying on that side in bed for any length of time.
    So if anyone has experienced anything like this and has any recommendations/suggestions, I would love to hear from you. Sorry don’t want to give others at the beginning of their recovery a bleak view but I’m sure there must be others that wore the figure of 8 and were really careful, like me, but are still having problems.

  22. Pete Avatar

    Hi Linda,
    Sounds like your husband is in big time pain with his break. A bad break will cause sharp pain any time he moves. Sleeping is the worst part of this injury…even with my recent surgery I still end up moving around too much in my sleep and wake up in pain because I got something contorted. Have your husband try malic acid for the pain. It’s all natural (from apples), and takes the edge off the pain. My guess is that he’ll be miserable for a month or so, then start to make big steps.

  23. Linda Kamaila Avatar
    Linda Kamaila

    Can’t imagine no sling or figure 8 brace. My husband is using both now (mostly the brace, but he keeps forgetting not to use his right hand). He’s not to the end of week 2. The figure 8 brace has been a godsend. Found out about it here, ER never mentioned it. Our family doc prescribed it 4 days after the break, he was fitted on day 5. He is still sleeping sitting up (when does that ever end??) but at least he can sleep in the bed now with lots of pillows.

  24. Pete Avatar

    Hello Hans

  25. Linda Kamaila Avatar
    Linda Kamaila

    Thanks, Hans. Seems to me it’s a pretty major trauma, and yes, the doctors were pretty unconcerned. He’s going to see an orthopedic person next week. I think he’s getting the idea about keeping it really, really still (!) and the bump has nearly disappeared, thank goodness. Not a lot of bruising, either. I’ll try and post about how long he sleeps in the recliner (he tried laying down last night, night 4, and it didn’t go so well).

    Seeing an ortho doc is probably a good thing. As for sleeping, search through the comments for how folks have used pillows to help with sleeping in bed. Usually it involves placing several pillows around for support and to keep from rolling around.
    Note: There’s a search form in the upper left side of the page. Type in the word “pillow” and click search.

  26. Linda Kamaila Avatar
    Linda Kamaila

    Any advice on sleeping? My husband broke his clavicle in two places on Thursday, has been sleeping in a recliner. He tried to lay down on his back in a regular manner last night and had immediate worsening of the pain. He has a sling, but will see doctors this week about the figure 8. It’s very hard to understand why the ER personnel are so unconcerned and say so little – they didn’t really tell him to restrict his motion as much as people on this board are saying to do. They also told him he could take his sling off to sleep, but it hurts so much to take it on and off, that seems ridiculous.
    I’ve gotten him the micro-calcium supplements, with boron and all the other related things in it, plus a silica containing supplement (horsetail) and we just started arnica (homeopathic 30 4 each half hour). He was in less pain after two doses of the arnica, but who knows if that’s the reason, he’s also lying still.
    So…just between you guys and me, how long will he be sleeping in the recliner? He seems to think this is going to be better and that he’ll be driving in a week. What do you think? Can anyone say how long they slept upright? I am much less optimistic, but I don’t want him to be pessimistic, he’d be depressed to hear of non-unions at 4 months and such, and I can see the bone sticking up near his shoulder (about three inches from his shoulder joint), and it presses against the skin. Is that the distal third?
    Thanks for any support, encouragement, information. Oh, and I read that a bit of sunshine (natural vitamin D) encourages fracture healing, so he’s doing that too.

    Sleeping in a recliner is a popular choice. I haven’t heard much input on how long folks have continued to sleep upright. But using pain as an indicator of when to begin sleeping in a bed is a good strategy.
    I would hope that your husband takes a double break a little more seriously. It’s true that some collar bone breaks are healed up in a short time (a month). But there are plenty of stories from people about waiting months or even a year or more to heal.
    The lack of concern from medical professionals regarding collar bone breaks seems to be the norm. Maybe they are considered too uninteresting.
    Restricting motion of the shoulder and the break is important during the initial weeks of the break. But it’s also important to not restrict movement of the elbow and shoulder joints. The joints need to be moved to maintain their range-of-motion. My doctor had me taking my arm out of the sling and bending my elbow several times a day. And moving my arm and shoulder socket to a point where it just started to hurt. But movement that pulled, twisted, or strained my shoulder and collar bone was forbidden. It’s just too easy to be lifting or moving something and then go too far and set back the recovery.
    It’s important to let the body heal. A broken collar bone, no matter how “trivial” it might be considered, is still a trauma to the body.

  27. John Avatar

    I broke my left collar bone about 2 and a half weeks ago playing football.
    It seems to be fairly displaced from the x-ray-hope this does not add too much to the recovery.It’s in a shoulder brace at the moment.
    Funny, I was about to start upper body weights the following day.
    I’ve mainly kept to a stationary bike and walking to keep fit.
    Can I still work the lower body safely with weights?
    Also I saw exercises at the following link:
    but when should I start these, how often should I do them and when should I move to phase2?
    Also whats the quickest time anyones got back playing football with this injury?
    I’ve enjoyed reading everyones stories here.

  28. Bernie Avatar

    i meant to say i’ve been injured for 4 WEEKS, not months.
    Sorry, Bernie

  29. Bernie Avatar

    Bernie here, 37, cyclist.
    First off, prayers out to everyone with this very precarious injury. I’ve been a one-handed typist for 4 mos now, and just found this website. My break is one-third of the way in from the shoulder.
    My main problem has been keeping the medial side from sticking up too much and trying to keep both ends aligned as best i can (initially, the medial piece was pushed forward too). No one at the doctors office really new how i should keep my arm. By day 10 i was so frustrated i was about to schedule surgery, but then thought i had nothing to lose, so i started to boldly (and fearfully) move my arm around to see if i could align things better to avoid plates and screws. I was finally able to roll my shoulder back for better posture without the medial bone sticking up if i shrugged my shoulder. This helped the lateral bone-end meet the other end better (i think). Things were much more stable and pain free this way so i adjusted my sling accordingly. I was afraid that having a shrugged shoulder may be ultimately bad, but after some fusing i now can bring the shoulder back down without the bone sticking out and with no apparent loss of flexibility.
    i have a new problem, though, that may negate all my “hard work”. A few nights ago i awoke to my arm jerking violently and heard a cracking noise. i’ve been in a sling 24/7 except showers so my muscles have atrophied and stiffened. I was fairly pain free the previous 2 wks, now the pain has returned as bad as the first few days. i’m assuming i reinjured/tore some of the fusing process. I am seeing the Dr. in 2 days, so hopefully i will have more info about how my two problems are actually showing up in new x-rays.
    BTW, i just saw this article (link below) on a new collarbone surgery method that looks like the best solution i’ve seen so far, but i havnt done anymore research on it. Anyone familar with it?

    Yes, a few folks have looked into the Basamania procedure. Because of the limited number of doctor’s qualified in the technique it’s not easy to have the procedure scheduled. But it’s a promising new technique.

  30. Christina Roth Avatar
    Christina Roth

    My name is Christina and I broke my left collar bone in a very bad accident. My break was pretty bad I have a bump that is the size of a Tennis ball and it has been almost a year and still looks the same. I think I might have nerve damage or something because it hurts so much.. the doctor had told me that within a couple months I would be able to do the stuff I was doing before I broke it, well that wasn’t true. Anytime I did anything that put strain on it, it would hurt. Sometimes my whole arm feels funny and I even have pain up my neck that has given me ear aches to. My question is, is it possible to have nerve damage that would cause this much pain? I’m going to the doctor on Thursday to see about getting surgery and if that is a wise option.

    I don’t know if nerve damage would cause the pain you describe. But it does have the signs of a nerve being impinged. It’s a good thing you are getting another doctor’s opinion. It sure sounds like you have more going on there then a simple collar bone break.
    – Hans

  31. Alex Avatar

    Hey my names Alex and I’m 19 years old,
    I’ve been reading this page every single time I get depressed about breaking my clavicle and it has been a great relief. I have a distal 3rd break of my left clavicle and my right thumb is broken so I have incredibly limited use of both hands. I broke them skateboarding down a giant hill in the dark. Brendan, your story really freaks me out because we were skateboarding behind the car just a few nights before my break and now it seems like I got lucky for not doing what you did. I think we topped out at around 22mph too before speed wobbles but we were towing 3 at a time. Hope you heal quick. Anyway, thought I’d give a miniature rundown of what to expect because that seemed the most helpful for me. The actual break is nothing compared to the first few days. I skated home after I fell but wouldn’t even think of doing that even now because of pain. The first few days involve lots of pain killers and movies. Sleep is near impossible as is leaning back in chairs because it pushes on the bones too much. I was able to get decent sleep after about a week and could bear to sit in certain chairs but even a month later it hurts a bit. I find it helpful to sleep on my back with an extra pillow under my head to keep my should blades slightly elevated. Also, propping up the hand is helpful. Over the course of a month, pain has been really random. Some days I feel fine, others I can think of nothing besides the pain. I guess I have less advice than I thought because I don’t have much more to add about my experience. I saw a doctor today who gave me some really shady information. He said it was too early to see if it was healing even after a month and that we should just keep waiting to see if it heals before considering surgery but didn’t really give me a time frame except to say it takes 3 months for a clavicle to heal. I guess I will just continue to wear the figure-8 and hope for the best. Anyone else have a lot of pain after a month? Has anyone had a doctor tell them “it’s to early to tell if it’s healing” after a month and then not had surgery?

  32. midori Avatar

    I broke my left clavicle in the distal third. Five weeks have passed since my break, and the swelling is gone, but the bones have not healed and my left shoulder is now about half an inch narrower than my right shoulder.
    For those who did not have surgery, did you heal with one shoulder narrower than the other?

  33. James Millen Avatar
    James Millen

    I Broke my right Clavicle just over a week ago playing football. I ran into the near post from a corner keeping my eye on the ball and not the defender that I crunched into. I landed on the ground clutching my shoulder and felt a lump on my collar bone which I knew instantly I had broken. I went to the hospital and was seen by someone in A&E who sent me for an X-Ray. The results showed That I had a complete fracture through the bone but wasnt too badly out of line, I was suprised about this as the lump suggested alot different. I went back to the fracture clinic yesterday and had a chat with the Osteopath who said he would send me for another X-Ray to check there hadn’t been any further movement. As they had only taken a X-Ray from face on I suggested that another be taken from above or another angle for my own peace of mind which he agreed would be a good idea. Sitting with the same Oteopath after the X-Rays he showed me the one taken from staight on against my original taken on the day of the break which looked about the same only marginally out of align, he then showed me the one I had requested which showed the bones about 6mm apart from one another, adding ‘good idea you requested a 2nd X-Ray my man’ I will give it another 7 days and if the bones havent moved then it will be more than likely surgery involving a plate.
    As I am a keen golfer and footballer what are the chances of the muscles contracting enough to pull the bones back into line, and is there anything I can do to help as I would obviously like to get back to full fitness soon as poss (like everyone who has posted on this site).
    Its good to hear other people stories as I think that sometimes you can sit there thinking you’re on your own and feeling depressed about will I ever get back to how I was.
    One more thing to anyone who is not entirely happy with what the doctors are telling you dont be afraid to ask as I did, its the best thing I done.

    Your bones may pull back together on their own without the muscles. Here is a good article on Wikipedia that describes the bone healing process:

    One of the best things to do at the moment is to stabilize the break. Limit movement and use of your shoulder. Also note the complications section in the Wikipedia article.

  34. Brendan Avatar

    I’m Brendan
    i too have found this site very useful, and actually very re-assuring cuz it says exactly what my doctor said lol
    ya i broke my left clavicle from being retarded lol. I broke mine cuz for some reason my friends and i had a dumb idea during my graduation party to stand on a skateboard and get pulled by a truck… well it was fun and all til i hit the ground doin 22 mph lol.(what a great grad. gift hahahaha.) well i ended up breaking my collarbone, my wrist in 2 spots, my ring and pinky knuckles and dislocated my thumb lol.
    well my thumb, and knuckles and one of the wrist breaks is basically healed, but my other wrist break i was told will heal after a total of 8 months… and my collarbone would be at least 6 months lol i really messed it up.
    but i am hoping for the best and after reading all of these i am re-assured that it will infact heal its self giving time, so thanks lol, but however still majorly sucks cuz i cant play guitar ๐Ÿ™ lol well thanks again

  35. Scott Avatar

    “I sought consultations from 3 independent consultants for advice and opted for surgery last Thursday with one of the top guys here in Scotland”
    Hi Ian
    I am also in Scotland and am awaiting an appointment with a Glasgow based NHS surgeon who my doctor referred me to so I could get my poorly healed clavicle operated on (you can read the story of what happened a little further up the page). Just a quick question m8, what was the surgeons name and what method did he use on your broken bone?
    Thanks in advance

  36. Ian Avatar

    Really useful site thanks !
    Broke me right clavicle in two places in motorcycle racing high side two weeks ago now (never knew pain could be so bad !). I am also a keen road cyclist so pondering anything more than a few weeks off either bike is a non starter !. In the week post accident I sought consultations from 3 independent consultants for advice and opted for surgery last Thursday with one of the top guys here in Scotland. Following surgery the bone feels really weird but is 100% better that pre surgery and less than a week post op I have about 60-70% use of the shoulder with no pain. I still try and wear the sling for most of the day, but not while sleeping, do lots of mobility exercises and today am determined to get back on my turbo trainer !. Best off luck fellow breakers !.

  37. orca Avatar

    Hi, i broke my right outer clavicle in a cycle crash, in short the first week i had a normal sling on.
    The second week i went to see a sports physio for some pulsed magnetic therapy and pulsed laser treatment, sling put in the bin and the day after i was out on my bike again !
    The third week i was out on my road bike every other day doing 40 miles sitting down all the time.
    Starting my fourth week now and my shoulder is now starting to ache, this is the first pain or ache i have had since the accident, not sure weather i am doing the right or wrong thing, my doc says if i was in pain then something would be wrong so carry on with your training.
    Any help appreciated !

    Muscle ache is common during recovery. Pain is a bad sign. To relieve muscle ache I would get a gentle massage of the shoulder and neck muscles. Also, a warm shower or bath can help relieve some of the muscle ache.

  38. Mike Avatar

    Joined the club on 12th March 2007, whilst skiing in Austria. My injuries were 5 Fractured Ribs, a partial collapsed lung and a Fracture of the left Clavicle at the outside end of the distal third. At the time my Clavicle was the least important of my injuries. I spent 7 days in hospital in Austria and as I was effectively in bed for 7 days, no Sling or figure 8 strap was applied. I did have physio whilst in hospital and was told to move my arm up & down & from side to side.
    My ribs and Lung have healed but I have grave doubts about my Clavicle. The Austrian Doctors wanted to take the conservative approach. There was no rupture of the tendons and the bones were almost in line but there was a small gap bewteen the bones.
    They said it would heal naturaly. This was backed up the doctors here in the UK some 3 weeks later. Now nearly 9 weeks later i do not feel as though it is healing correctly. I have full movement of my shoulder but it feels as though there is a 20KG weight sitting on my shoulder. I do not believe that the bones have knitted. I can still move the bones in my shoulder. Does anyone think that this will heal or will I have a non union? If I have this non union can I live with it? I am 53 years of Age. I gave up soccer over 20 years ago and I have no intention of taking up weight lifting so does it really matter that I have a non union?

    I hate to say it but age goes against healing. It may take several months to heal. Don’t give up hope. Also, follow up with your doctor and get another x-ray to see how the bone is healing. It might be healing just fine. If the bone doesn’t heal and you end up with a non-union, that is something many people live with without any issues. It depends on your lifestyle.

  39. Casey Avatar

    I hate the hospital and I currently live a far ways away from my family doctor so I figure I’ll ask people with similar experience. I had a minor clavicle fracture about 5 weeks ago that almost broke through the whole bone but left enough connected so that it healed pretty easily. I wore the sling for a little while but mostly I just waited each day as it slowly got better and started using it as soon as possible as long as it didn’t hurt which is what the doctor had said. Unfortunately, I didn’t follow all of the doctor’s orders. I was feeling pretty good last week so I decided to skateboard a little bit earlier than I was supposed to, but only doing flatground tricks that I couldn’t fall on my shoulder doing. I got a little too confident and I ollied off about a two foot high drop and fell onto my elbow, pushing up onto my collarbone and it felt about the same as when I originally broke it (which was surprisingly not as painful as I would have thought). In a few days, however, I was feeling pretty good again and I could raise my arm all the way above my head. I figured I’d take it easy and that I learned my lesson, but yesterday I went to shoot some basketball because I’ve been bored of not exercising for so long. I don’t know why, but I thought maybe I could dunk without stressing out my shoulder since it’s not the hand I shoot with. I was wrong, and I hurt my collarbone again and it felt like it kind of popped but it didn’t hurt that badly. What I’m worried about is that now after these two post injuries I’ve felt some weird/numb sensations throughout my arm and hand. I still have full mobility of my hand and fingers, but my fingers sometimes feel a little numb and I feel like my muscles in my arm feel a little weird sometimes. I also have what feels like muscle spasms in my shoulder. I figure maybe I just stressed some stuff out after not using it for a while, but I want to be sure not to have any nerve damage. My life is based on sports so if I lost my arm it’d be terrible.

    Sorry to reply late. Just got back from Japan.

    So it sounds like you might have injured some nerves. I would highly recommend you have a doctor examine you. It might only be temporary but it’s still important to have a doc take a look.

    – Hans

  40. Scott Avatar

    Hi Folks
    Stumbled across this thread 4 months after breaking my collar bone which happened during what I can only describe as pulling off a sub human save whilst playing in goal, at 5 a side football (soccer).
    I visited the hospital and following an x-ray was given the bad news of the clavicle fracture. It was later at night and the doctor on duty gave me some painkillers that wouldn’t have helped a mild headache and a sling made out of a bandage (in the UK it s all about costs on the National Health). I was told to come back in a week and rest my shoudler completely, which I did suffering a pain worse than the initial break whenever I had to move. On returning to the hospital the next doctor I saw swore at his colleague’s incompetence and gave me an adjustable shoulder sling which I must say helped alot more. 2 more visits to the hospital and 2 less than convincing doctors later I was told that my clavicle has fused and I could go back to work in 2 weeks (total healing time 2 months).
    The huge bump in the middle of my shoulder was a concern but the doctor said this would go down in 1-2 years. Once I got back into moving it again, I was checking out the unsightly bump in the mirror and was stunned to see that my right shoudler (the side I broke) was about 1-2 inches marrower than my left. I even measured the distance to confirm this and it was indeed narrower.
    To all the people posting on here saying that surgery aint the way to go, I’d say that many have been lucky or received better advice than I did during the healing process. The bone has healed in a Z shape and lost a fair part of it’s length. I have went back to my doctor and gotten him to refer me for surgery, as I’d rather deal with that than having a shoulder joint that is completely out of allignment for the rest of my days (as a qualified Shiatsu practicioner I have a pretty good idea of the severe problems this will cause in the future).
    My advice to anyone who suffers this terrible injury:
    1. I although they tell you to keep your arm in close to your body during the healing process (by way of a sling), make sure you are not compressing your shoulder area too much as I am sure I must have been. Just bring it in so that it’s at a similar distance to your other shoulder.
    2. If you aint happy with the advice the doc gave you or feel that your rehab isn’t progressing as it needs to, then get another opinion.
    3. Ask to see the x-rays of the healed bone yourself so you can make a more informed decision.
    4. Arrange to see a Chiropractor or Osteopath once you are well again to check your shoulder allignment.
    So at the moment I am faced with a 26 week waiting time before I can even see the surgeon regarding possible surgery. My doctor said he would research for the most knowledgable one in Scotland to see me (so I’m hoping for a good experience). Unfortunately there don’t seem to be any lists of surgeons who have trained in Mr Basamania’s pin technique, so I do not know if anyone in the UK operates in this way. Anyway I will post here again once I have any more info on my case. So surgery or no surgery? The jury is out on both it seems, but I’ll be going for it otherwise I’m lookin at severe mobility problems in later life. Hope this huge account has helped someone out there make a more informed decision on thier injury.

    Good advice. I would also like to add that one of the reasons I recommend wearing a figure-8 sling from the start is that it helps hold your shoulder back and aligned. This may help with keeping the clavicle aligned and reduce the chance of it healing in a shortened state.

  41. Jason D Avatar
    Jason D

    …Sorry, the correct name is Basamania.

  42. Jason D Avatar
    Jason D

    Hi all,
    I’m a new member of the BCC. Broke my right clavicle 4 days ago after coming off my 110cc pocketbike. I accelerated out of a corner and drifted a little too close to the tire wall where I clipped my left foot causing the front wheel to swing in towards the barrier and off I flew! It all happened so fast! Before I knew it, I was nursing a broken (R) clavicle. The X-rays show a typical mid break with a VERY noticeable protrusion close to the neck and what looks like an overlap between the 2 ends with the sholder end drooping downward to form a upsidedown ‘V’ shape.
    Anyway, I’ve been told by the Dr. to sling with 10 days rest; and have also opted for a figure 8 to make sure everything heals well. There was no indication from the Dr. that I would have any trouble with it healing….mmmmm maybe just hope for the best. LOL!!
    After reading almost all these entries, I have come to the conclusion that a break like this has more cons than pros. Which has seriously made me think about surgery.
    I’m not sure how strong the conventional healing method would leave my collarbone, but being pretty active, I’d like to return to my gymnastics and weight training without having to worry about the bone giving way. Has anyone with the same interests had success with just letting it heal by itself and being as strong as before? Going by the results of a couple of entries, I’m strongly leaning towards the Dr Carl Basmania method of pin fixation, but I’m not sure if it is performed here in Australia. Also, the recovery time is very attractive to me as I do heavy work and have a small child I like to play with. It’s kills me that I can’t lift him up! ๐Ÿ™
    I’d rather stear clear of plates, screws and bone grafts if I can help it.
    If anyone from Australia is reading this, and has knowledge of a great Orthopaedic surgeon who could possibly perform Basmania surgery, I would be most appreciated to hear from you.
    I’m currently trying to source a good sports surgeon in Melbourne who might have worked on some of the Footy players with the same problem. I’m farely sure they get the best treatment available.
    Thanks Hans for this great site. It’s been a real eye opener!

  43. Gary Spolar Avatar

    My clavicle was broken badly on December 21st, ’06 when I fell off of a ladder. The ER doctor told me it was bad, gave me his card, and said to come see him in 30 days at his office/practice. I scheduled to see him in 3 days, to go over some stuff, and get a better feel for what was going on, because I had quite a bit of morphine in me when in the ER, and couldn’t remember much from the hospital visit. He looked at the x-rays with me in his office, confirmed again that it was a bad break (splintered, twisted, etc…) but that I would be fine if I just wore my sling. He gave me two, a standard sling, and a figure 8 type that holds my shoulders back. He said it did not matter which I wore, and that I should just pick the one that is most comfortable. I wore the standard sling. I of course learned later that the figure 8 sling is the one that pulls the clavicle back, reducing the chance of the bones overlapping. The doctor never told me this.
    At the 30 day appointment, he looked at the x-ray and said those words again, “This was a very bad break”. He then said, “There are doctors that would operate on this, but not me. Not anybody I studied under. You’ll be fine. You’ll have full range of motion.” My x-ray clearly showed that the part of my collar bone coming from my shoulder had grown under the part of the collarbone coming from the middle of my body. Overlap is atleast one centimeter, and the bone is filling in, but in a weird place. He says that this is fine. No need to wear the sling anymore at four weeks, and I should be able to resume most work activities by the six week mark.
    At the 60 day, or 8 week appointment, He takes another x-ray. He says those words again, “This was a very bad break”. I inform him that I have had a nerve twinge in my hand when grabbing things at certain angles, and he says that would not come from my collar bone injury. He tells me that we are done, there is no need for future visits or x-rays, and that I should be able to return to work by the 12 week mark after my injury, maybe 14. This contradicts his earlier statement that I could return to work at 6 weeks, which I never did, because I cannot push/pull at certain angles, and I sweep chimneys for a living. He also tells me that I will not need any physical therapy, after I told him that I am having so much difficulty and discomfort!
    I’m not sure what to think anymore. I am still unable to (safely) return to my work duties at more than nine weeks since my injury, and I am ready to call a lawyer, although I’m not sure it would do any good. I do not know if I will heal well enough to carry/lift ladders, and surgery at this point would be quite intense because the bone has already healed around blood vessels, nerves, etc. The time to operate would have been before the bone had filled in, as noted by another doctor that gave me a second opinion on my injury at about 6 weeks.
    Do you think I will continue to heal up to twelve weeks and beyond, and have less discomfort when I reach at odd angles? Is it possible to get compensation for mis-siagnosis that results in my lack of surgery, that leaves me unable to work? I make $188,000 per year in gross sales sweeping chimneys, and now I may be left with nothing because of my doctor’s mis-diagnosis. I am very scared.

  44. Darren Avatar

    Hello everyone
    I joined the club last Monday as I was mountainbiking in the Sierra Nevada, a beautiful place to hospitalise yourself! I went over the handlebars on a steep downhill and crushed my shoulder.
    Still painful now (Sunday) and preparing myself for the worst when I go to hospital on Thursday. I also tore two ligaments and both the Dr in Spain and in UK have suggested surgery so looks like a bad one. Now I am off to a job interview, hoping the sling will get me the sympathy vote!!

  45. John Avatar

    Just a note to encourage any new members of the BCC (broken Clavicle club) and think there is no other options other than a sling or a brace and weeks of painful recovery. I broke my left mid clavicle while attempting a 25′ jump snowboarding on Thursday 25th January 2007. It was quite a bad fracture which was severely displaced and only 1mm from being a compound fracture. In fact immediately after the fall I felt moisture pouring down my shoulder. My daughter was with me and I was worried she would be upset with viewing a compound fracture. To my amazement after patting inside my jacket there was no blood. The emergency Dr said what I had experienced was the body’s defense mechanism kicking in and what I felt was adrenalin pouring over the fracture. It felt extremely weird like water trickling over your shoulder and down your arm in a shower. After just 30 minutes I left the hospital with a copy of my x-ray a figure of eight brace and a prescription for Vicodin and a large bone tenting out my shoulder that you could hang a towel on. Now just to let you know a bit about my background and how this would really disrupt my lifestyle. I’m a fulltime athlete-running six miles a day five times a week and train and play soccer three times a week which I done for the last twenty years. I’m married with three active teenagers and I felt totally screwed and depressed. Until I discovered on the internet Dr Carl Basmania from Duke University and his Intramedullary Pin Fixation of the Clavicle. After a few phone calls I found a fantastic local orthopedic surgeon called Dr Eric Freedman who could perform this procedure and within eleven days of the accident I underwent surgery. The procedure is very low invasive and requires just two small incisions and the insertion of a pin to join and secure the clavicle. The operation took less than an hour and after a just over an hour in recovery my wife drove me home. I could not believe it no pain no thousand vaults surging through my shoulder it really was a miracle. Within four days of surgery I was riding my bike and after nine days I’ve started light jogging and I’m even kicking a ball again it really is the difference between night and day not to mention the cosmetic difference the surgery has made. Now I’m not saying this procedure is for everyone and I know a lot of people recover with a sling or a brace. However, technology and surgery techniques have come a long way and if you are active or an athlete there should be a more successful alternative. This is my experience and I hope it encourages any new BCC members who may feel there is no immediate hope and want to get their lifestyle back with minimum interruption.

  46. Andrew Avatar

    I am back after a few months. My experience is somewhat like Richard who was here a few months ago. Age is similar (I am 48), healing (or lack of) is similar. In other words it does not seem to have rejoined and I am not almost 6 months since the break. My GP recently retired and I only have seen the docs in emergency and radiology. My GP’s practice was taken over by a guy who did nothing for me, did not examine me and did not even look at the X-rays, so I have not gone back after the one visit. The good thing is my girlfriend works in Radiology at a local hospital so she can get me a requisition for X-rays anytime, and have one of the residents look at it. Anyway I think I will go in for another soon though I am sure it will only confirm what I already know, the dis-union. It actually appeared to be joining up after a few weeks and felt so good after 2 months or so that I was almost back to normal. Then about late October or so I was moving a cast iron bathtub (300 or 400 lbs!) with a friend and I think it separated again. It is not VERY uncomfortable but basically has been less comfortable than it was and clicks some and the gap seems to open and close depending on the angle I hold my arm at. I am considering get some consultation on pinning, but really don’t want to have surgery. Moral: don’t carry any antique bathtubs too soon folks!

  47. Dr. Mom Avatar
    Dr. Mom

    My son was released last week (week 11) from collar bone hell after breaking it during hockey try-outs. He was able to play a period in two games over the weekend, while I did not breathe during his time in the net, he survived unscathed. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s comments throughout the recovery period and best wishes to you who are just starting your journey.

  48. nick Avatar

    im twelve yaers old and i broke my collr bone playing fotball on the 9th and im going on a cruise on the 26th will i be ready to do phisical activitys on it? ps ive been reading and a childs collorbone heals in 3-4 weeks im i consitered a child?

    Sorry to hear about your break. Luckily you are still young enough that you might heal in time for your cruise. Follow your doctor’s advice on healing. Don’t forget that the less movement of your shoulder the better. A visit with your doctor before you leave will also be a good.

  49. Sam Veal Avatar
    Sam Veal

    A year ago in October I broke my right collarbone while time trial training. Initially the Ortho Doc said I would heal without surgery. SIx weeks later I was back on the bike (off-road and on-road)with only a “spike” and a “click” as a reminder. I thought I was past it until almost a year later ( and several MTB and road bike events) I was playing tennis and I had pain the area. A visit to the Ortho Doc and a MRI revealed an “incomplete union”. After a final 8 day MTB trip to North Carolina, on November 29 I had a “Clavical Revision” surgery requiring a cadaver bone graft, 8 screws and a metal plate. Initially told the healing process would take 6-8 weeks, I was scheduled to participate in a 50 mile MTB event at week 7, however, at my Dec 22 Doc visit, He told me to forget the MTB event, keep my sling on for 2 more weeks, and stay off the trainer until he sees me on January 22. I am 54, was in pretty good cycling condition, able to do a century in under 5 hours and MTB climb without stopping. I am concerned that this much time off the bike and no cross-training is going to leave me unable to get back to my previous level of fitness. I had plans to compete in several events this year, but now am not sure. ANy ideas on a good “come-back” plan ?

    Two weeks of no activity shouldn’t effect your endurance that much and can quickly be regained. But pushing it past two weeks can cause a longer and harder period of recovery. I’m surprised your doc won’t let you train, even on a stationary bike. Using the right setup it’s possible to spin on a stationary bike so that you don’t use your upper body or move your shoulder. That’s what I did when I first started recovering from my break. You might want to follow up with your doctor regarding this. Clearly explain your needs and how you would like to train.

    When you are able to get back on a trainer, the workout at the top of this page is the one I used and got me back up to speed.

    – Hans

  50. Dr. Mom Avatar
    Dr. Mom

    Marlon – My 13 year old son is on week 8 of his collar bone break (hockey puck hit him between two pads) and the doctor won’t release him until January 5 MAYBE. Our doctor is being very conservative but wants to be sure his bone is fully healed until he goes back into the net to avoid rebreaking it. I know it’s hard to imagine you not being able to do sports for 6-8 weeks or longer, but it goes by fairly quickly. Just remember, even though it feels better, it is still healing and you don’t want to risk breaking it again and starting over. This is the same advice I give my son, you’re probably rolling your eyes like he does, but be patient, you’ll have many more sport seasons ahead of you.

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