What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

The following is a funny story sent to me by a rider that broke her collar bone while cycling. She found my site when searching for more information on training and recovery from the break.

Along with the story she mentions “I know it would’ve helped me alot if this information had been available when I was lost in the land of one arm. I have attached my ridiculously long account”. She then adds that I may post the story if I wish.

Well, I think it’s well worth posting. So here it is.


DISCLAIMER: The following content is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor or other licensed health care professional. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site.

What to Expect From a Broken Clavicle

By Laura Erker

On March 23rd I had the exciting experience of breaking my left clavicle while riding my bike. I thought I’d put together a synopsis of what to expect so that anyone else can read and see what’s in store. If you’re reading this and you have broken you clavicle then get someone to run out to the store and get you some really good calcium. You should take 2000mg of calcium with 6mg of Boron a day! While they’re at it, have them pick you about four books to read and ten movies to go through. Further, a really funny account of the first five days with a broken clavicle can be found on line http://www.kurlancheek.com/clavicle.htm. Also, relax, it’s gonna be a while.

So, what happened? Good question, everyone has their own version of who is to blame and how it all went down. From my vantage point I only know that I was cruising along in a group, riding into a crosswind. Someone had the bright idea to put it in the gutter and everyone started fighting for wheels. Then, I heard some tires hit and “…zzt zzzt zzt crack crack crack”. The bike in front of me came to a screeching halt and as I hit my brakes I went into a skid that had my back wheel hit the back tire in front of me. Next thing I knew I was picking myself up off the ground and getting back on my bike. But, as I rode away I realized that something was very wrong. Not only was my left shoulder ON FIRE with pain but I could feel/hear a clicking there that could only be a broken bone. Deciding that I was not stupid enough to try to ride the remaining 25 miles with a broken bone I attempted to bring myself to a stop and threw my bike in the dirt glad to be rid of that infernal pain machine. The pain was so intense now that fainting was the only possibility. But, I had to wait to lose all consciousness until I could hail down an ambulance, cab, person! I could see a group of cars a mile away down the road at the site of the crash, where I should have stayed. Well, hindsight is always 20/20. I hailed the ambulance like a cab and crawled in just in time to faint. I was then transferred to another ambulance and so began my new adventure into a one-armed existence.

The emergency room was exciting and the staff was very generous. All in all, a three hour affair in the door and out. It ends up I broke the distal third of my collar bone. However, getting a hold of someone to pick me up became a new challenge. I didn’t have my cell phone with me and not knowing any phone numbers I had to go on the internet to get the number of my team director, Chris Evertsen. Chris or an official was able to relate to my husband where I was located and he headed off to get me. After sitting in the emergency entrance for hours, seeing my husband come through the door of the emergency room was one of the happiest moments of my life!

Week 1 (This is movie week)

One quickly learns that it is a two-armed world out there and this will not make your broken clavicled life any easier. But, on with life.

Killing the pain. First, let’s discuss the power of alchohol. Through the ages this fine substance has been used to dull the pain of many a fallen soldier. Seeing myself as such, I broke into the whiskey with wild abandon. Choosing Jack Daniels’ as my personal “fav’ I set out to imbibe. If you dose this correctly you won’t have to pick up your prescription vicadin. Careful to drink a glass of water for each alcoholic drink so you avoid hangovers.

Dressing, this becomes a new adventure. You must keep your hurt shoulder extremely still. This means that the arm attached to it is completely useless. If you are a woman then forget the bra. If you must have a bra get someone you “trust’ to put your most comfortable one on and realize you will be wearing this item for at least two or three days. Unable to work out how to get a t-shirt on I tried my shirts that button up. You soon come to realize that buttons are not an option. Ok, back to regular shirts. I could get large t-shirts on by feeding the sleeve of the bad arm over my useless hand up to my armpit and then carefully pulling it over my head and then putting my functional arm in the other arm hole. Getting the t-shirt off again is usually a two-person project. Forget tying shoelaces or wearing tight pants, they become the enemy.

Sleeping. Most certainly, one must avoid, at all costs, rolling onto the affected shoulder during the first week. This will wake you up in just as much pain as the day you crashed. I found that propping pillows all along the length of my body helped to reduce unwarranted movement. I slept a lot, there wasn’t much else to do. But, this doesn’t really matter, as dressing, eating, and drinking will take about 5 times longer than usual, so I filled my day accordingly.

Book read: Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Movies watched: a lot!
Alcohol consumption: can’t accurately remember :’)

Week 2

Now I was really starting to feel better, less pain in the shoulder and I could use my hand a bit. But my shoulder turned a pallid green. The bruising is disgusting and continued to creep down my torso for another week. But, since I only owned three t-shirts that I could manage to pull over my arm and head I just continued with the same state of affairs. It was about now that I realized I only had one thing to do to entertain myself!go to work. So, off I went arm in sling. I had only two things on my “to do” list each day. These items were usually something that would normally take me about an hour. Not now, I could spend all day working on simple problems. I had to get people to open the freezers for me and handle mice etc! But I got to talk with everyone at work quite a bit :’). I’d be able to work about 6 hours maximum a day before I completely cracked. This is when I learned to value of ibuprofen! One little pill can take a cranky/pained Laura and turn her into a working machine for about 2 more hours, lovely.

Comraderie. It was now that I learned that walking around in a sling attracts a lot of attention. People have to comment. They can’t help it.

“Fall off a bar stool?”
“Boy, broken collar bone, that’s the worst!”

I quickly pointed out that being on fire would probably be worse, but ok it’s nice to know people care.

I also learned that other injured people are most certainly your friend. You have to ask them what they did, and if they have a good left arm then you always ask if you could borrow it, or something corny like this. But, it’s fun.

I also started to get on the bike at the gym around this time. According to one man, I was great inspiration working out with my sling on. Well, I’d surely give up my inspiration status to use my left arm again, buddy! I went home suddenly after some of these visits to the gym because I would try to do too much and BLAM, pain again. Don’t do sit ups.

Doctor visit. It was mid-week that I was able to go and see a doctor. I sat there for about an hour just to get a referral to an orthopedist. Once I got in to see the nurse she looked straight at me (let me remind the reader that I was wearing my left arm in a sling and was covered with a big green bruise that covered my arm and torso)!

“So, what is your problem, today?”
“I have a broken clavicle and need to be referred to an orthopedist”
“Which arm is broken?”
(again, I remind the reader that my left arm was is a sling)
“My left arm”
“Okay, and what are you doing for it?”
I point to the sling, flabbergasted.
“When did it happen?”
“One week ago” I replied.
Surprised, “And you haven’t been in to see a doctor yet?”
“Well, no, I was just starting to feel like I could venture out of my “healing cocoon’.”
“Alright, let’s get you an appointment. Right, so the soonest our orthopedist can see you will be April 22nd.”
“That’s in three weeks! I have a broken bone. Isn’t there something sooner?”
“There isn’t really anything we can do for that, do you have any ibuprofen?”

Eventually I got x-rayed and was told to come back in three weeks.

Book Read: Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov

Week 3

I felt the same as Week 2 but was able to get on the trainer with my sling. I got a workout regimen from Hans Kellner on line. Very nice guy, who broke his clavicle a while back, you can go to !

Hans Kellner Dot Com :: Broken Clavicle No More

The training regimen consists of workouts broken up by Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3. Wow, I thought, this guy was training at week 1. Well, straight onto the trainer then, let’s get to work. Ends up, “Week 1” should be approached more as “the first week he began training after the break”. Holding my entire upper body up on my bike trainer with just my right arm was another challenge I hadn’t anticipated. I pushed through it. Also, it seems it only took Hans three weeks to recover, that’s only as long as his workout regimen was. Excellent, I’ll only be on the trainer for one week! This is great. Again, it ends up the three week training regimen can be repeated ad infinitum until you heal, just a little heads up.

Pit of Despair. This probably only applies to women. I could not shave the injured arm’s pit! This was horrible and I began to refer to this area of my body as the “pit of despair”. This is when you realize the ultimate greatness of the Mach 3 razor. You can literally shave without lifting your arm! Well lift it as much as you can. Good luck girls!

Book read: Swimming Across by Andrew Grove

Week 4

Having contracted some kind of horrible cold (which I affectionately call “the snot blanket”) I was unable to sleep at night or workout. I fell into a depressive mood. Out of desperation I rode my bike on the road for one hour and ended up hurting it again. This is when I completely cracked under the strain of heading out into the world each and every day facing new painful challenges. I was tired of it. I wanted just one day where I didn’t have to struggle to get my clothes on or sleep! I felt that no one could possibly understand the pain I was going through. It was during this time that a friend and coworker died in a tragic car accident. Suddenly I found myself very appreciative of my situation. I was alive, fairly healthy and had people that loved me.

Back to riding, I found that I couldn’t reach the handlebars with my bad arm until the end of Week 4, this may be because I had a distal break, but I don’t know. I just kept focusing on my appointment with the doctor and the x-ray machine. He would certainly tell me that I was completely healed and I could resume my life again. Alas, it was not to be, the x-ray looked the same as the day I broke my arm. Well, I headed back home to cry, pulled myself together, bought a year’s supply of calcium and vowed not to drink any alcohol until I was better and healed! I hear alcohol can reduce your healing abilities. Also, when you break a bone you should take 2000mg of calcium a day with 6mg of Boron.

This was the week that I talked with Dr. Allan Richberg, also a cyclist. He informed me that seeing no healing after four weeks was normal for a 30 year old. This greatly lifted my spirits! He talked with me for a good 30 minutes on what to expect from my injury. He informed me that if you ride in the early healing stages of a broken clavicle you will most probably put a rib into your lung if you crash. This was alarming, why didn’t my doctor tell me this. Thanks Allan!

Book read: Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Doug Adams

Week 5

My arm started to feel a lot better now. I could lift it over my head! Also, I could start driving my car with two hands. This was great! I started really riding the trainer a lot and was able to just get my left hand up to the bars comfortably and put a little weight on it. I did seven hours on the trainer this week, good for me. Whoever thought I’d be riding my trainer so much in So Cal with it sunny and 80F outside!

Book read: Finished Hitch Hiker’s Guide

Week 6

I risked a ride on the road, against the doctor’s orders and found that my arm was ok. Whew!

Book read: Sequel to Hitch Hiker’s guide “Restaurant at the End of the Universe” by Doug Adams

Week 7

Now I am back to riding 3 times a week and really enjoying it. My body sure is tired though.

Book read: Finished Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Doug Adams

Week 8

I have an appointment with the doctor to get x-rayed again. Keep your fingers crossed. I am really looking forward to racing and just glued my ksyriums with the help of the best husband in the world, Jacob Erker.

Book read: Started Ringworld by Larry Niven

More “Broken Collar Bone” Articles

Don’t miss reading the information and comments in the other collar bone entries:

759 responses

  1. Irina Avatar

    Oh I am so glad I am not alone~!At all. Misery loves company and knowing Im not the only clavicle cripple.Just another story.2008 has caught me in a sling and typing one handed.Iam 15 years old and on Jan 19 I broke my left clavicle being side swept by a moving car. The pain was excruciating as I ventured into the land of one arm showering,useing, and living.Everything had healed until April 25 when mother luck had me be karate chopped in the same place.Once again im in a sling trying to heal. I know the tricks of the trade but am fully depressed.I need to be more immobile and careful because surgery is a looming option.Ijust want to heal because its worse on my mother then me.Just another story as my arm numbs and bone tingles. Best of health to all.

  2. Kristen Avatar

    My fiancee just broke his collarbone horsing around with the guys this past Saturday… exactly 6 weeks before our wedding day! Your story, as well as our emergency room doctor’s estimate that it will take 2-3 weeks before the pain is completely gone and 6 weeks in total to fully recover, makes me feel relieved that he should, with rest of the area, be able to fully enjoy the wedding.
    Oh… the timing!

  3. Ace Avatar

    I broke my collarbone around five weeks ago as of last Wednesday. I’m 15, and I was playing softball for my high school varsity team…my slide into second base didn’t go too well…yeah, that was a lot of fun. I hated the pain medicine, though…it was my first broken bone, too, so I didn’t know what to expect. I was euphoric all the time, and still went to school the day after the incident. Everyone told me to go home. I did around noon. Fortunately, I was off the pain meds in a week.

  4. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Hello all, I’m back again.
    Had my 9 month checkup yesterday with the ortho…still no sign of healing and the doc can still feel the bone moving. I can actually move the bone myself. 3 months of vitamin D & calcium didn’t work. I go tomorrow to fill out the paperwork for surgery in August, earlier if he has a cancellation. Will involve cleaning up the area, taking a bone graft from my pelvis and securing it with plate and screws. Overnight in the hospital, 3 weeks in a sling and 3 months total recovery. Plate removal in 18 months to 2 years. Never had surgery before so I’m pretty nervous, but am looking forward to be fixed finally! Doc is really nice and seems more concerned than I am about leaving a minimal scar.
    Good luck to all out there. I will post more around surgery time.

  5. Marcello D Avatar
    Marcello D

    Hi Vera, the fact that your clavicle feels straight laying down and not when you are up it’s perfectly normal (happens to me still after 5 weeks from the accident but not as much ). As for how your clavicle will look like it depends on where the site of the fracture is on the bone, but generally you will have a bump there.
    Hope you recover fast.

  6. Vera M Avatar
    Vera M

    I have a wedding coming up and Im realy worried about how my clavicle gona look. the wed is in about 4 months.
    On my first xray my bones were like 0.5″-1″ apart. Its been 2 weeks since i “last” broke it, when i lay down they feel streight or normal but once i get up my clavicle goes up and doesnt feel streight anymore… is that normal? Does eveyone experience this? and will laying down help it heal more streight?
    And if anyone can send me pictures of how it looks like after its healed would be very nice. I wana have at least some idea what im gona look like in a wedding dress. Thank you much to all.
    my email is pashas_love@yahoo.com

  7. Vera M Avatar
    Vera M

    Hey everyone, first of all its nice to know that im not the only one! YES I broke my left clavicle too, fell off a bike shoulder down and that was on my trip to Europe (that was my best vacation ever…not) doctors over there are definetly dumb they wanted to do a surgery and then put a cast on, I almost went for it, if not for my sweet boyfriend who said no i should wait till i come to America and see what these docs have to say. So two weeks later when i came back here suprisingly in my situation a surgery is definetly unnecessary… when i asked about a cast the nurse and the doctor gave me this look i still feel stupid 1 week later. So how did it feel? OMG like worst than anything i ever felt. I did brake my arm years ago but the pain was not even close to this. So right when i just broke my cousin takes me to some retired old guy who used to be a chiropractic, ok so the pain is so bad im like almost fainting and thats if you dont even try touching the bone, so then that old guy tried to push my bone back in I thought i was gone die literaly. Then he tells me its broken I should go to the hospital. In there they put on these FAT rings on my shoulder kinda like figure 8 thing but like 10 times more uncomfortable my arms were blue and swollen cause of no blood circulation, I’d pick up my arms a lil when they felt like they were dead and so the blood would flow in, very unpleasent and painfull too. And then i broke it 3 more times, well it started healing and id brake it off again, three times man that would make me so sad. So now its been almost 2 weeks where I didnt brake it anymore. I think its healing ok. I do try to move as lil as possible, the thought of braking it again is making me lay still for days. Putting on clothes is definetly a problem, but i did find that botton up shirts are way easier to deal with. So maybe another week in bed and im done?
    YES THIS IS NOT FUN! awfully painful and very uncomfortable to lay on your back at all times. BUT hey its better than having your neck or spine broken. right?
    I wish you all the least pain and a fast recovery.

  8. Evan Avatar

    Hey guys!
    I just broke my left clavicle this afternoon after being thrown shoulder first into the ground during Judo practice. At first it didn’t feel too bad but as time went on the more it hurt. A classmate wheelchaired me over to my University’s version of an ER and I had three hours of fun. The worst part so far was removing my uniform to x-ray the shoulder. Wow… the x-ray showed a spectacular separation of my collar bone in the vertical direction! I was told by a GP that it would reconnect with a curve in my bone but it would be as strong as ever. They did the whole vicodin, sling, and 8-brace thing then off to home I go! About to take my first anti-inflammatory ibuprofen (those are big pills!) pop some more vicodin and hit the hay. I’m getting pretty good at typing with just my right hand, and will have to get better for upcoming reports. Wish I could take some time off, but that will have to wait until after finals. Thanks for the pillow idea to help me sleep! I’m sure I’ll need it. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you!
    And so begins week 1!!!

  9. Zachary A. Avatar
    Zachary A.

    Well, “Spring Break 2008” for me ended up just as the name implies. On the night of 3/27/08, I struck a curb on my mountain bike, traveling at 26mph. Rider error(using very dim headlight) was the 100% avoidable cause of my most nastiest crash to date. I suffered a clean break of my left clavicle, at mid-shaft. Endorphins enabled me to ride the remaining 13 miles back home. The next morning, there was no mistaking I looked just like Quasimodo- after a night of hard drinking!!!
    After realising I am stuck without anything to do for at least 2-3 weeks…..I often logged 16-18 hour days of pure, restful sleep. I think- at age 44…..this really helped with pain reduction and feeling a more solidness in the break area, just after two weeks. BTW….apples are an excellent natural source of Boron, which aids in assimilation of calcium supplements.
    Hans, did you ever imagine this site you launched, would ever bring SO MANY people together? I also had my share of initial worries, but thanks to your site- I am now ready to re-enter the realm of ordinary(two-handed) life once again. Remember, bones do heal….for mine was a wake-up call for me to re-prioritize my real objectives, and snap out of a rut of complacency I didn’t realize I was heading towards. In life- EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. At least I have a sexy new bump to prove it all now!!!

    I never thought broken collar bones would be so popular. Really glad this site has helped people with their recovery.

  10. Julie Avatar

    Getting an x-ray for what I thought was shoulder pain due to an old softball injury, I’ve just been told I have a fractured clavicle, but I haven’t had any kind of accident or trauma — just chronic shoulder pain for a couple of months (due, I thought, to that old softball injury). Anyone have ideas about how a clavicle can break without a person realizing it?
    I don’t see the orthopod for 10 days, and the sling causes more pain than just keeping my shoulder up on my own . . . .

    It’s hard to imagine a bone breaking without realizing something had happened. Maybe it was broken when you were very young and never healed.

  11. Todd Avatar

    There were still a lot of things I wanted to do before I turned 40 this summer…having a distal clavicle fracture of my left shoulder (my dominant side)was definitely not one of them.
    There was little displacement. A week after the fall my ortho had me doing pendulum movements with my arm. April 15 is the 3 week mark and I also get my 2nd set of x-rays done. The results from that will determine how soon my physio begins. I’m a little anxious about that. A big challenge for me is rest vs. mobilization – How much is too much?

    Hopefully your follow up x-rays have shown healing. How much is too much is a common but tricky question. One rule-of-thumb doctors often give is to use pain as your guide. If you are doing something that starts to hurt, stop doing it or back off the effort. But movement is a good thing for the joints to help prevent atrophy. The pendulum exercise is a good shoulder rehab. Good luck on your recovery.

  12. alan atkinson Avatar
    alan atkinson

    60 years old, mid-life crisis, Kawasaki zzr 600 sport bike accident, left clavical broken, into day 100 with non-union, using EBI bone stimulator for the next 60 days. still wear figure 8, still in pain taking oxyecotin, active exercise and work. any experiences with EBI unit?

    A midlife crisis at 60? Nice! :’) No experience myself using a bone stimulator. But others have reported success.

  13. Ben Avatar

    I am 15. I broke my left clavicle 2 days ago as I had a hard fall when I tripped over whilst running. I actually went home and slept on it. In the morning the pain was so unbearable that I went to hospital. My Spring break had only just begun, but now it’s as good as over ๐Ÿ™ I love the story and I feel for all you other victims out there! This site has had tremendous response and reading it added to my current agenda of watching films! When should I expect to be able to go out again?

    Lucky for you that you are young. Generally the younger you are the quicker you heal. But it’s impossible to say when you can go out again. That really can only be determined by your doctor. Each person’s injury is unique. Give yourself time to heal and listen to your doc. Hopefully you will be out sooner rather than later.

  14. Mark B Avatar
    Mark B

    Colleen, did your doc mention anything about trying a bone stimulator? I’ve heard mixed reviews (didn’t work for me), but if you have good health insurance, it may be worth a try. Maybe it will give the healing process a kick in the butt and get it going quicker. I think after my insurance paid it’s part, I was left with 200 bucks out-of-pocket for the bone stimulator. Even though it didn’t work for me, it was worth the try. Also, I’m not a good case study on the effectiveness of the bone stim because, as I may have mentioned previously (can’t remember), the location of this fracture was about 1cm from another fracture 8 months prior. I tend to think that, while we thought that previous fracture was healed (and it was visually by x-ray), it was still forming bone, and, thus, the fresh fracture probably never had a chance to really get the healing process going. That’s just my theory. I’m fortunate that, even though I still have a broken collarbone, I hardly ever have any pain anymore and there is nothing that it prevents me from doing on the bike. So, I’m in no hurry to have surgery at this point. I know I will likely want/need to have surgery in the future, but to do it now and blow my summer is not on the agenda.
    Good luck to you!

  15. zoltan Avatar

    I was pleased to be able to read all of your stories,and I to am one of the lucky people who has broken my right collar bone.I did mine out in the desert spectating a friend racing his quad.The nasty dessert cross wind sent me for a trip off the side of a razor back in the dunes.I,m in week 1 fending for myself and all this info is most helpful.I passed the magic number of 40 last year so Im expecting this to be quite a task to recover. Thank you all Zoltan

  16. Robert Kunicki Avatar
    Robert Kunicki

    I posted earlier about my kiteboarding accident and the ensuing operation to plate my clavicle. The doc scheduled physical therapy (another name for pain and torture) only 7 days after surgery. That evening I felt a lot of pain in the shoulder plus a clicking that kept getting worse. Back to the doc, who after examining the xrays said “I” overdid it and the plate has come loose on one side. Now it is a race to see if the bone heals before the plate moves farther. Back to surgery if that is the case. As it is, the plate is pushing the skin up a bit. I was instructed to limit movement so back into a sling for another 4 weeks.

  17. Steve Dintino Avatar
    Steve Dintino

    I was horseback riding for the second time in my life. The horse started running uncontrollably. I bailed, and landed on my shoulder and hip. I am in Week 5 of my broken Clavicle. The doctor said I can stop wearing the brace and sling now. I am keeping the figure 8 brace on until the 6 week anniversery of my accident. My orhtopedic always seems to be in a rush when he sees me. I advise people to have all their questions written down before they visit the doctor for their checkups. My next visit is in two weeks, and I will be asking him about the rehab process. I look forward to being completely healed so I can play ice hockey again.

  18. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Hey Mark B,
    It sounds like you are 3 months ahead of me, but no further ahead of me as far as healing goes. My break was in August 2007 and there has been no sign of healing for me either. Some days it hurts a lot, but most days it’s just uncomfortable. I have to be careful how I use my arm, certain movements, especially sudden ones, can be painful. I’ve been diligently taking Vit D & Calcium 3X a day, but it doesn’t feel like it’s getting any better. My husband and friends are pressuring me to go get the surgery done now, but I’d like to wait until summer is over (and it hasn’t even begun yet). Since I’m not completely useless, I’d like to have a chance to be a little active in the summer before I have to recover from a surgery. I go back on May 7th for more x-rays and the doc says he’ll do the surgery if there is no more progress. He says this will involve taking bone from my pelvis to fix it. Kinda scared about the whole thing, but this has just been going on for too long now. I want to be back to normal. I can imagine how you are feeling after almost a year! Good luck!

  19. stevieboy Avatar

    hey guys, am from liverpool and made up i found this site. broke my left clav on thursday plying rugby. am at the start of the recovery and would appreciate the support. am pissed and on pain killers at the mo so frgive my typing. x

    Tough luck there. Sorry to hear about it. You’re not alone. There’s been a bunch of posts from other rugby players. Let yourself heal and you should be back on the field in no time. Now is the time to work the sympathy angle with the girls. Cheers!

  20. Kathy Avatar

    Hi all,
    Currently in day 3 of hell! Broke my clavical body surfing on the weekend, came down fast straight into a sand bar. Ouch! Thought it was just soft tissue damage till i nearly fainted from the pain getting up the next day. My sling is killing me, sucks that it sits right over the most painful part. All set and ready for a DVD and book day with a collection of painkillers and food at my side! So hard to hold it in a good position and not crouch but im doing my best!!

  21. MarkB Avatar

    Susan, I know this is a rather delayed response, but I thought I would reply just in case you check back and are still living with a broken collarbone. I used the bone stim for about 11 weeks total (with a few weeks break after the first 6 weeks). It didn’t help the bone heal. I’m coming up (in May) on one year since I broke my collarbone and the x-ray still shows a clear break, yet I do not have much discomfort unless I try to lift something or move my arm in a certain way. The doc that said he would just remove the bone now says he would just leave it alone unless it starts bothering me or limiting me. Well, it doesn’t bother me much now, but does limit me. I can’t backpack with a heavy pack, I can’t lift weights unless they are really light, I can’t do a full pushup, etc, etc. So, now I’m at a loss as to what to do. I don’t particularly want a piece of my collarbone removed. I guess I need to try to get another doctor’s opinion, but, man that is such a crap shoot. So, after almost a year, my problem isn’t solved yet and now I’m on the verge of needing to get new health insurance. Can you say “pre-existing condition”? That means no coverage. Great.

  22. Robert Kunicki Avatar
    Robert Kunicki

    I just joined the ranks of the broken collar bones a couple weeks ago. I was kiteboarding and during the launch the kite lifted me off the ground and then threw me hard onto my left shoulder. I drove myself to the er knowing something was definitely wrong with the shoulder. They did their normal stuff and sent me home with a recommendation to see a orthopedic surgeon. Three days later I was waking up in recovery after getting a plate and seven screws in my clavicle. That night had to be one of the worst nights ever. I would wake up every 10 minutes thinking it had been 4 hours and time for more pain medicine.
    The good news about having a plate is the bone will heal straight and recovery time is much less. two weeks after surgery I can lift my arm straight above my head and I have almost complete range of motion (with a little pain). Tomorrow is my first day of physical therapy. Hope to be kiting and golfing in the next 3-4 weeks.
    Always remember pain is temporary and bones will mend.

  23. Samantha Avatar

    Can you share your opinions on the best/most comfortable sling you’ve used?
    My poor boyfriend has separated his shoulder severly and fractured his scapula (it was quite a motorcycle wreck.) Although the injury is different from the collarbone, he also was sent home with the emergency room sling. It is biting into his opposite shoulder and his hand/arm slides back as he wears it.
    Any opinions would be welcomed.

    If you search online for slings you will find a wide variety of styles. There are some with wider straps which help with the biting issue. And some have an arm immobilizer that holds the arm against the body so it doesn’t move forward or backward.
    A simple and quick solution for the strap “biting” is to use a small towel as a pad between the strap and the shoulder. Wrap the towel around the strap. Secure the towel by wrapping with some duct tape or some other material.

  24. Brian Leach Avatar
    Brian Leach

    I have an undisplaced fracture of the right collarbone. This is my third week of suffering, however I feel my wife is suffering more being ever concerned over my wellbeing. At 66 years of age and 18 months into retirement I have, since retirement, joined the “stay stronger live longer” brigade by doing weight lifting at the local gym. This is to strengthen bones and prevent or reduce osteoporosis. When I started weight training I weighed 58 kilos and being 5 ft 11 inches I looked somewhat undernourished. This was due to a daily exercise program for the last 28 years of running (well running initially, jogging is a more apt term for today’s pace). Well weight training particularly upper body produced remarkable results and I have increased my weight to 68 kilos, which is mainly muscle gain. It was this dramatic body image change that caused me to become too intense with my weight training regime. Using heavier weights was the goal, which led to my fracture. I used a number of weight machines for 12 reps and 5 sets per gym visit. At the time I was using the chest press machine. I assume that the fracture was caused by some intitial damaged to the ligaments of the shoulder which caused the shoulder to become misaligned and put pressure on the clavicle causing the fracture. I only wished I stopped when I first felt discomfort in the shoulder. Although it is an undisplaced fracture I have quite a large swelling over the injured area and the clavicle does appear to be more pronounced than it was before. I am receiving physiotherapy, passing a pulsating electric current through the injured area and induction heat treatment. I am told this increases bone growth and speeds recovery. I have been given simple exercises to do, one of which is “climbing the wall” which entails placing your hands against the wall and using your fingers like a spider, crawl up the wall. I am able to fully extend my arm upwards, its comparatively easy going up but coming down really hurts. I tried jogging at the beginning of the third week but it’s too much jarring on the shoulder. I feel that attempt has put me back a little. Driving is OK although the seat belt (right hand drive car) pressed right on the injured area. My solution was to place a towel between the seat belt and shoulder, until the son-in-law showed me that modern cars have adjustable seat belt anchor points and adjusted it so that the seat belt cleared the injured area.
    I have read many of the preceding entries and shall continue until the end. I have already got the message that it takes time and that the healing process is dependent on age and fitness. One point in my favour one point against. Next week I having a bone density test because osteoporosis can affect men as well as women.

  25. Jeff Avatar

    Broke my right clavicle very near the shoulder socket on January 13, 2008, and also tore two ligaments that run from the clavicle to the shoulder blade. I had surgery 5 days later and the Dr. put an anchor in my clavicle, another in my shoulder blade, and heavy sutures between the two. This pinned the ligaments back in place and also realigned the clavicle. I am now just over 6 weeks from surgery and have had 4 physical therapy sessions. I have regained nearly all of my range of motion already with my hand going over my head with no problem, and will move on to weights once the Dr. confirms that the fracture is healed up strongly. I am 30 yrs old and just wanted to pass along these results to show that it will get better as I know how rough it was in the first few weeks.

  26. Sonya Avatar

    i broke my collarbone 4 days ago…a snow tubing accident. I consider myself a tough cookie…4 lung surgeries, 2 appendix surgeries, but this dang clavicle is making me feel like a total baby…the pain is unbearable…worse than childbirth!

  27. muriel shani Avatar
    muriel shani

    Dear Writers in pain,
    I got out of a taxi at the airport in Poland to fly back home to Israel- didnt see a post, did a summersault and cant remember anything until my husband picked me up- after getting an injection from a Polish doctor, flew home and went to bed- about four hours later- i screamed in pain. Went to the hospital thinking i will just get a sling- before i knew it, blood tests, ecg and up to the ward- shattered the shoulder bone-
    next day operation- two hours.In the end one long screw and three small screws accross.I have been going to Physio for ther last week- very sore- still cant lift my arm over my head, but i work, and do everything myself-but its very sore……………………….when do i go back to normal-? Driving is out of the question- but never thought of the drink that one of the people wrote- forgot to tell you i am 65 (never too late to go on the booze)Please comment—–MURIEL

  28. Land Leal Avatar
    Land Leal

    Hi folks.
    Bras”lia (Brazil) is a wonderful place for biking, but I was reckcless & broke my right collarbone. (Oh, if I had just placed my hands on the ground first!). I’m beginning my fourth week into a plaster-figure-8 splint. I’ll have an X-ray check by week’s end. It looks the ancient figure 8 (Egiptian, Greek, Roman?) technique is still the best. I’m healing fine, even lifting my right arm (carefully) above shoulder, though I’m 63. Good luck & hugs (oops! ouch!). I mean: virtual hugs.
    Land Leal

  29. Land Leal Avatar
    Land Leal

    Hi folks.
    Bras”lia (Brazil) is a wonderful place for biking, but I was reckcless & broke my right collarbone. (Oh, if I had just placed my hands on the ground first!). I’m beginning my fourth week into a plaster-figure-8 splint. I’ll have an X-ray check by week’s end. It looks the ancient figure 8 (Egiptian, Greek, Roman?) technique is still the best. I’m healing fine, even lifting my right arm (carefully) above shoulder, though I’m 63. Good luck & hugs (oops! ouch!). I mean: virtual hugs.
    Land Leal

  30. Leslie Mc Avatar

    On Feb 15th I broke my Clavicle on vacation in Jamaica. I slipped on the tile outside of my room and my shoulder hit the threshold, and the rest of my side hit more tile. The hotel called a native Dr. , he lifted my arm, or tried to and told me it was broke. I had to wait until the next day to get an xray. We took a Taxi to 3 places to find the right place, all had signs on the door saying to go to a different site, since it was Sat. They took an xray with a 1970s machine and put in in a sling and told me to just relax and take the codine they gave me…. which made me ill. Remember I am on a holiday on the beach… so I used the source available to me…Rum and pineapple juice. I spent the next 7 days in bad pain and then there was the flight home (8 hours and 3 plane changes were tough) My husband was now not happy I took so much luggage, as he had to handle it alone. I am going to the Dr. today but have to go to ER.. My husband was wonderful, he had to put on all my clothes and even pull up my swim suit, as that was impossible for me. The cold water of the pool and ocean helped a ton. Thanks for all the info here. Will get back to this and see what happens to me. I take care of my 6 year old grand daughter every afternoon and am to work on monday…(only mornings thank goodness) I correct high school papers and am 55. and is hard to type with one hand…I am sure it will slow my work down, the kids will be happy….

  31. Jodi Avatar

    I can’t believe you didn’t see a doctor for a week and a half. That is very irresponsible.

  32. Shannon Cooley Avatar
    Shannon Cooley

    i’m a 17 year old guy, and while i was snowboarding, i broke my clavicle on the left side. The break went all the way through the bone, and so i’m left with 2 main pieces and some smaller chips. The two pieces are overlapping by about an inch. this is where things get interesting. i went to an orthopedic surgeon to see what he thought would be the best course of action, and he said that there was no need to pin the bones or do any type of setting of the bones, which was suprising to me. he said that the bones will heal together, overlapping, and the end of the clavicle will grow outwards to restore the symmetry in length, and that this was possible due to the severance of the artery in the bone. i told him that i was especially worried about motion of the shoulder and such because i play baseball, and he said there was no need to worry about that because i would regain full motion. now i’m no expert, but it seems to me that if the bones aren’t set, then there’s no way that they can grow back in a way that gives me full range of motion. how is this possible that i can get full motion back without the bones being set? and what does the artery have to do with the bone growth outward. i understand the artery’s importance in healing the fusing the bone pieces together, but how can it cause the bone to grow outward?

    It’s possible there was some misunderstanding between you and your doctor. You might want to talk again with your doctor to clarify these issues. For example, “severance of the artery” would be a traumatic injury that would require immediate medical care. I think what your doctor might have meant was that the blood vessels within the region of the broken ends will help to start the healing process that can lead to new bone. See the “Bone Healing” section of the Wikipedia article:
    Normally broken collar bones are not “set”. The broken ends are sometimes able to find each other and begin fusing. Material may fill in a gap and also pull the ends together. But extending the two pieces back outward isn’t something I have heard about. It would be interesting to hear more about that if that is in case something that can occur.
    The issue of range of motion (ROM) is more complicated. Even if the bones fuse back together so that the length is shorter than previously, you may still have full ROM. If the change in your shoulder geometry from the injury is extreme enough then there may be issues. And you must also be sure there are not additional injuries that are complicating ROM.
    I would also recommend getting a second doctor’s opinion. Maybe from a ortho doc that specializes in sports related injuries.

  33. Hugh Smyth Avatar
    Hugh Smyth

    Oh just wanted to add what a helpful website you have here. I thought that I was mutating when my shoulder started turning a hideous yellow/green colour, until I read on this website that it was normal, and some people had it covering most of their torso so I should count myself lucky! Would just like to add that my last comment above is from the start of Week 2, and that I am not in much pain even in the figure 8.
    Hope all you other one armed soldiers out there heal fast!

  34. Hugh Smyth Avatar
    Hugh Smyth

    Thanks for you reply. Was at an appointment in the fracture clinic today and the doctor’s said that they would put surgery aside for now and see how it heals on its own. They told me that 95% of breaks heal fine on their own, but that is even higher in young people. Now in a figure 8 bandage – no figure 8 braces in the fracture clinic so they made a makeshift one from sling bandage. Isn’t comfortable at all although I can now use my left arm to a certain extent which includes typing. Going back for a X-ray in 2 weeks – fingers crossed it is healing well and fast! Will keep posting updates on my situation.
    Thanks again for the reply!

  35. christa Avatar

    This web site has been my life line! Broke my collar bone skiing five weeks ago….what’s with the first day and broken bones? Have become an expert on sleeping upright and would like to share my secrets. Pillows, pillows and more pillows. Most importantly, two travel pillows in the shape of a “u”. One to help support your neck and the other to place under your elbow to keep your collar bone level. I’m going to have a hard time giving them up. Sweet dreams and speedy recoveries to all my fellow sufferer’s.
    To all the ladies out there, strapless bras are a lifesaver!

  36. cat Avatar

    Great story! I found your web site the day after i brike my collar bone in a race and it put a smile on my face. It has been 2 weeks and i can finally get a bra on and have been hitting the trainer. I hope to be racing in another 4 weeks….we will see.
    I thought i might add something to your site…newish research says that you should avoid anti inflamitories such as motrin and ibuprophin while healing a broken bone. I have to say that this really sucks because motrin was the best thing for my pain!!!
    I suppose I should also remind those eager to get back to the bike or any kind of excersize, that you should rest during that first week…especially if you sustained any kind of head injury.

  37. Liew Avatar

    Colleen, I am on 8 weeks & see no healing also.. We ‘ganbateh’ together.

  38. Hugh Smyth Avatar
    Hugh Smyth

    Hey everyone. Broke my left collar bone on Monday (11th). Was playing rugby at my school and after an amazing run (no really!) I was tackled and landed square on my left shoulder. CRACK!!! I knew straight away I had broken it, but when I told my rugby instructor he was stunned and confused that I wasn’t in alot of pain. So he sent me into the school to find a teacher (and continued with the rugby!), and they gave the exact same response.
    So they got the nurse (finally someone with a bit of common sense!) who put my arm in a triangle sling and gave me some pain-killers even though I wasn’t in much pain. Was taken to A&E where I had to wait for ages (on my own) to be seen to. Got an X-ray taken and then got a pinky-bandage sling and some weak pain-killers and was sent on my way. By now my mum had arrived to take me home.
    Taking off my jersey was quite a painful experience. It was probably the first time I had moved my arm since the tackle, and to make matters worse it was a long-sleeved jersey with elastic at the wrists. Wasted five minutes of my life!
    Then came the sleeping. The doctors in the A&E hadn’t gave me any advice on anything so I slept on my back with a pillow under my arm to raise it. Not the best night’s sleep ever but definetly not the worst. Actually would recommend it to those who find it hard sleeping while sitting up.
    Anyway since the hospital I was first in isn’t anywhere near where I live I got to take my X-rays home. I swear the bone pieces are about an inch apart! So when I went into my local hospital with the X-rays so I could book an appointment they instantly said the break was very serious and suggested that I could get surgery and have a plate put in. No word of any of this in the other hospital! They say it would heal faster this way and there would be no bump. Anyway enough story, question time now!
    Should I go for the surgery? I am only 16 and am not worried about a scar.
    Will a plate affect me in any way after the healing? They said it could be left in after the healing.
    How long will it take to heal without, and with the surgery?
    Since I have broken it already, will it be more prone to another breakage?
    I would appreciate it if you took the time to reply to this post, as it tooko me a long time to tpe this with only one hand!
    Thank you

    To go for surgery or not is a difficult decision. Recovery time is around 3 months. And there appears to be a better guarantee for recovery. With surgery there is always the risk of complications such as infection. Being young, 16, you have a far better chance of healing on your own than someone older. I suggest that you go for another doctor’s recommendation. Especially when considering surgery. The good news is that if you are generally healthy and young you will probably heal quick and as strong as ever no matter which route you take.

  39. Leo Avatar

    Hey guys & girls I broke my left collar bone on super bowl sunday..I am also a patriots fan so this was not a good day for me.Before my injury I was into lifting weights and playing sports.Will this effect my lifting when I am healed and when can I resume lifting? Thanks

    Only your doctor can give you a go ahead for starting to lift weights again. You may want to be careful about jumping back into exercises that strain your shoulder. Others have left comments here describing re-injuring their collar bone by starting weights too soon. If your collar bone heals correctly then it should be structurally strong enough to resume lifting.

  40. Dan Avatar

    Saw the bone doc yesterday. He still says that evidence has shown that figure 8s and back braces do not work. He also says that taking calcium will not help. He says it won’t hurt. But he said it won’t help, either. He said keep moving it and come back in 3 weeks. I told him his theories are contrary to about every other doctor in the free world. Should I go for a second opinion? This guy is supposed to be one of the best ortho docs in Brevard County.

    Yes, I would recommend a second opinion. The research the last I had heard was inconclusive regarding figure-8 braces. I haven’t heard of people using back braces for collar bone recovery.
    Also, moving your joints is important so that you don’t develop a frozen socket or elbow. Movement of the collar bone before it has started reconnecting may cause the healing to be hindered.

  41. owwww Avatar

    typing with my left hand is extremely awkward. Because yesterday was the absolute best day and probably the only day for sledding this winter my dad felt the need to go. It was my first ride down on my brand new inflatable “sno” tube and i was going so fast, my sled turned around so I could see my dad screaming and realized I was headed straight for the tree in the middle of the hill. I saw a kid run to the side from behind me and then I don’t remember exactly what happened but dad said I flew out of my tube, hit the tree and BOUNCED yes thats right, i bounced straight backwards off of the tree. Someone called the paramedics while someone else ran to their house up the hill to get blankets for me. I remember lying down of someone else’s sled and hearing people coming up with worst case scenarios. Dad said I might have a concussion and thats when people really started freaking out. A man was asking me all sorts of questions that I answered. Then the ambulance came and the paramedic asked me questions too. Next thing I know I was in an ambulance and then in the ER. They did all the ER stuff, got my X-Rays then later they told me I got the prize. A Z-Fracture. My collarbone had broken in two places. Right after that a kid came by in a cart with every kind of brace you can think of and more(lots of sledding accidents that day). When we were just about to leave I got up to go to the bathroom but I got all dizzy and almost fell down. A doctor asked me when I had last eaten. 10:00 am. It was 7:00 pm. So after 2 more hours of tests they decided i needed food. I got a sling and they told us that I needed surgery to put the bone back together. I have to do absolutely everything with my left hand and it is so annoying!

  42. travis Avatar

    I broke my clavicle a few years ago but it was only really bad for a week because I found a surgeon who screwed the two ends together with a long bolt then tied the pieces around the screw. Immediately after the surgery, I was able to put weight on it and within a week or so, I could ride my bike again. I would definitely advocate for the orthopedic value of metal screws – I feel like it made me much more functional much quicker and saved me the pain of rolling onto my side.

  43. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    Riding a dirt bike, I found myself flying through the air and landing on my right shoulder. It was actually the helmet the pushed through the clavicle as if broke in half. I was in shock at first, and simply walked about forty yards and asked my wife to help me get off the culpable helmet. She asked what happened and I told her I broke my collarbone. I didn’t feel any pain during the moment, but 4 miles of bumpy dirt road proved to be quite painful. (Not to mention the oncoming grief of the 14 miles to the hospital, where I moaned and groaned until I was sedated. Thanks strong pain killer. I was sent home with hydrocodone and 30 Valium. I do not remember 3 days but my wife said I was a real ass. I was put in the figure 8 brace. My boss said, “When my cousin broke his collar bone , he was in a cast from the waist up”. When was that I asked, “1974” he replied, as I thought well, this is 2008 hello! BTW they no longer stick thermometers up your butt either, but whatever. I just smiled and left. Being excessive compulsive has it’s rewards as much as it trouble for said condition. I can’t sit still. I hate sleeping with broken clavicle. I have finished Dean Koontz “Brother Odd” as well as “Life Expectancy”.
    Thanks for listening to my whining. Hope you all get better, as I plan to.

  44. Mike R Avatar
    Mike R

    Riding a dirt bike, I found myself flying through the air and landing on my right shoulder. It was actually the helmet the pushed through the clavicle as if broke in half. I was in shock at first, and simply walked about forty yards and asked my wife to help me get off the culpable helmet. She asked what happened and I told her I broke my collarbone. I didn’t feel any pain during the moment, but 4 miles of bumpy dirt road proved to be quite painful. (Not to mention the oncoming grief of the 14 miles to the hospital, where I moaned and groaned until I was sedated. Thanks strong pain killer. I was sent home with hydrocodone and 30 Valium. I do not remember 3 days but my wife said I was a real ass. I was put in the figure 8 brace. My boss said, “When my cousin broke his collar bone , he was in a cast from the waist up”. When was that I asked, “1974” he replied, as I thought well, this is 2008 hello! BTW they no longer stick thermometers up your butt either, but whatever. I just smiled and left. Being excessive compulsive has it’s rewards as much as it trouble for said condition. I can’t sit still. I hate sleeping with broken clavicle. I have finished Dean Koontz “Brother Odd” as well as “Life Expectancy”.
    Thanks for listening to my whining. Hope you all get better, as I plan to.

  45. Dan Avatar

    Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences. I have enjoyed the e-comraderie.
    I ride 120 miles a week on a road bike, but I broke my right clavicle playing tennis, of all things. Chasing down a ball at the net and tripped over my own toes. I thought I would over dramatize and tuck my shoulder and roll thru it. I hit the court like a 50-lb sack of flour. I knew I had either dislocated my shoulder or broke my collarbone. It was the first game of the final match for the doubles championship. Must be a male thing, cause I thought I could shake it off and serve again. Bad mistake! When I reached up to hit the ball it hurt so bad I dropped the racquet. They put some ice on me and asked if I wanted an ambulance. I opted for a ride in a friends car to the emergency room (ambulances are expensive, I think). I am 50 and had never had a broken bone, but I heard they “ache”. Yes they do.
    They managed to get my shirt off and I did not want to try to put it back on. The cold felt good. As much as I tried to fight it, I must have been in shock cause it was all I could do to give them my information at the counter. They asked what my pain level was on a scale from 1 to 10. I felt like saying 10, but said 6. Turns out that was about right. They put me in a sling with a wrap around my chest. The clavicle was clearly broken and offset (not aligned). They gave me a prescription for hydrocodone, but it was about 4 hours before I could get to a pharmacy. (Yes, it still ached.) I only needed the hydrocodone for the first day, then I went on Advil only when I needed it (mostly to sleep).
    Sleeping on my back sucks.
    I saw the bone doctor (actually the nurse practitioner) 2 days later and she said yes I broke it. Didn’t say to do much but keep it in a sling, but take it out and move it once in a while. She said they found that figure 8s and back braces did not really work. I asked if I could go back to work. She said I wouldn’t be able to do more than 5 or 6 hours without getting fatigued from the other muscles picking up the slack. She said to come back in three weeks.
    Week 1 – Got bronchitis. Felt like pneumonia. Stayed flat on my back and watched a lot of tv and slept. Had a pretty nice bruise by now.
    Week 2 – Yes, it takes at least twice as long to do everything with one arm – showering, getting dressed, cooking, folding laundry! I was starting to feel a little better and could move my arm as long as I did not try to lift it above my shoulder.
    Week 3 – I think I tried to do too much too soon. It hurt more now than in week 2. Went back to the sling. Saw the bone doc (nurse practitioner) at the end of week 3. They x-ray looked like the ends were farther apart than the first x-ray. Maybe 1/4 inch. She said it was not uncommon for it not to show bone growth at week 3. She told me to move it around, even above my shoulder if I could. She said this would help the bones align??? By this point I am thinking she is a quack. She said come back at 6 weeks for another x-ray.
    Week 4 – It really isn’t hurting that bad. Once in a while I will move and get a stinging pain or hear some popping. I can drive with 2 hand and even fold some laundry. I even did 15 miles on the bike with only mild discomfort. I was scared too death. I stayed a block away from everything. Even squirrels terrified me. Jogged a mile by the end of the week without too much discomfort. But I am questioning the NPs advice and called the center and insisted on speaking with the bone doc directly and find out just what I am and am not supposed to be doing. So far, he doesn’t even know who I am. That’s about to change. I do not like the possibility of surgery. This philosophy on the figure 8 and brace seems contrary to everything everyone else is doing.
    I sure miss riding the bike and can’t wait for this to be over. It’s like a bad dream or something.

  46. Richard Avatar

    I have now fractured both clavicles, the latest one happened 2.5 weeks ago. It happened playing Rugby, at first I thought it was just some damage in the AC joint because when I fractured my first clavicle it was extremely painfull. ( it broke in 2 places and I have a nice bump to show for it)
    After getting X-rays the next day, I was told that I had fractured my clavicle right at the end near the AC joint. Apparently this kind of break can be more complicated because of the shoulder joint being so close. It is far less painfull, but very frustrating as it is my right clavicle this time, not to meantion the sling sits on my ‘bump’ which is very uncomfortable.
    I have another doctors appointment on the 25th, I will find out then if I need an operation or it will be healed… all or nothing I suppose.
    I plan on going back to the gym today to start doing some cycling, in a vain attempt to build some fitness.
    When can I start running? the doctor I spoke to said that I could use a treadmill, but was quite vague.
    I am doing a half marathon in a month and a half so I need to get running asap… anyone have any advice?

    I think your doctor is worried about the chance of you falling when running and re-injuring the shoulder. My doc didn’t want me on a regular bike because of that reason. It can take just a little force or movement to set back your recovery. The treadmill should be fine for your training until your shoulder has healed more. I know it’s no fun being stuck on a trainer/treadmill. But it’s far better letting yourself heal rather than pushing it and risking re-injury.

  47. Ron Rowell Avatar
    Ron Rowell

    About 4 years ago a doctor took about 3/8 inch off the end of my Rt. Clavical bone. I had a rotor cuff repair on same shoulder with a screw put in so they could reattach the rotor cuff tenden.
    What I have sence is a lot of dicompfort it this shoulder as to when it is swinging or I tryed in the pool to swim even today, and this shoulder fells like its (bone against Bone) all the time.
    Is ther anyone that could repair the end of Clavical bone to stop this discomfort?????
    If so tell me a name and I will get with them as it is NO FUN daily with what I go through.

  48. Colleen Pope Avatar

    Hello again all!
    Well, I made another visit to my ortho yesterday, 6 months after my accident and he still sees “no significant bone growth”. He gave me 2 options….trying heavy doses of calcium (500mg 3xday) with Vitamin D (1000iu 3xday) for the next 3 months or surgery right now if I wanted. I opted to go the vitamin route. I go back on May 7th for more x-rays and if he doesn’t see much improvement, I’ll be booked for surgery. He can still feel the bone moving when he rotates my arm around and it still protrudes a lot. Still painful to move certain ways, but I am pretty functional at least!
    Will let you know how the vitamins work.
    Good luck to all!

  49. john veautour Avatar
    john veautour

    Hi again, thanks Hans for responding. It’s been three weeks since the evil knievel stunt (RIP) and it was time to visit the ortho. I got a new xray which showed actual new bone growth. This gives me many different feelings,compassion and guilt for the other folks I have read about that are not seeing the same results. I also feel happy and fortunate that things are improving as rapidly as they are. My strength and range of motion improve everyday. I guess every person and every injury is different,but rapid recovery is possible even in your 40’s. I’m going out on the bike this weekend. I will stay on the bunny trails to minimize jarring and impact. My doctor said that using my arm is just fine as long as it doesnt cause pain. On a different note Christine I noticed that we crashed on the same day so keep me posted on how you are doing. Get back on the horse (cliche) Good luck to all!!

  50. Doris Sheridan Avatar
    Doris Sheridan

    Well, everyone here seems younger than I am, but just incase I can get some info, I’ll see what happens.
    I’m 65 female, very healthy and active… However in the last three months, I have broken my right clavicle 3 time in different places, at different times. Only the first time I was carrying a HEAVY flower pot inside when I felt the pain. The other two times, I was not doing anything. I’ve had bone density, bone scan (former cancer patient) done with results looking ok. Bone density was a bit off, but not into osterporosis… Anyone who might have a suggestion, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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