The “Smoking Baby” was one of the little silly gifts we received at Christmas. Comes with a 10 pack of “Li’l Smokes”. Light one up and the baby actually puffs away. Cool… um, I mean… that’s so wrong! 🙂
A mighty fine website!
The “Smoking Baby” was one of the little silly gifts we received at Christmas. Comes with a 10 pack of “Li’l Smokes”. Light one up and the baby actually puffs away. Cool… um, I mean… that’s so wrong! 🙂
hey it soo funnny that i don’t know what to say
haha i fink tht is really funy bt yeah i agree tht it is wronge bt sum babis smoke at tht age lmfao
that is rong because your baby might have a diese or something roning with it.
This is what happens to your baby (when, if you ever have one) when you smoke. Its a passive smoker comment, I believe ! But what taste…
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