2012 FUCI Approved Frame Sticker

2012 FUCI Approved Frame Sticker #uci
The FUCI Approved Frame sticker

(thanks to http://stickerobot.com/ for production)

Official List of FUCI Approved

The following are responses to the FUCI Approved sticker program.  These individuals, entities, hooligans, are to be considered officially recognized as FUCI Approved.


Ritchey Design

A letter from Patrick McQuaid

Patrick McQuaid Letter

G service

Bottle Openers/CX Tire Gauges
Falso Industries


Ibis Maximus

More FUCI Approved hooligans.

Team Ommegang

Arizona Trail

Trek Commuter @ EBBC Party

Paul’s Bianchi

Marin Indian Fire Trail

Greg’s Bontrager

14 responses

  1. Ray F Avatar
    Ray F

    Hans, I think you should send some stickers to Greg Lemond.

    Ha ha ha!!! Great idea Ray!

  2. jacs Avatar

    Thanks for the stickers! I’m definitely spreading the sticker-love around and gave one to BikeSnobNYC when he was in town last weekend. See you soon!

  3. Bob Avatar


    And that letter from Pat is HILLARIOUS! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Billy Avatar

    I’d like at least two. Will you ship to Canada for the next run?

  5. jacs Avatar

    I’ll be anxiously waiting for the second batch so I can purchase some! I want to mail some to friends back home (Philadelphia). Let me know if you need some down-payment funds to help with the second, or third, run of stickers.

  6. Jeff Avatar

    I would like a few, please…

  7. Ray Avatar

    I bet these become even more popular today 🙂 Thanks for sending me some!

  8. Scott Avatar

    Cool sticker. I don’t want to appear too stupid here -but- what is the exact meaning/idea/origin or is it just cool and funny? Any helpful insight appreciated! I will take a couple also.

  9. Hans Avatar

    Will be ordering another run shortly and will post when available.

  10. Steve B. Avatar

    I’d love to buy a few of these. How about another run??

  11. comptonius Avatar

    Would definitely be interested in these for me and my CX team!

  12. Wallers Arrenberg Avatar
    Wallers Arrenberg

    Man – definitely would buy some for me and the team.

  13. Allen Bean Avatar
    Allen Bean

    Where can these stickers be purchased?

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