Sibley Cows and Pies
Just another late afternoon ride through Sibley Park. It’s that time of year when dodging cows and their pies are part of the ride.
FUCI Bottle Openers and Go-No-Go Gauges
When I released the 2011 version of the FUCI Approved sticker Ray Falso of Falso Industries read about it and inquired about getting a few. I gladly sent some off to him. He responded by sending me an awesome Go-No-Go CX tire gauge/bottle opener that he had created for his local cycling team. Well, when…
2012 Grasshopper #4 King Ridge (Clockwise)
Felt halfway alive on this one. The start was nice since we rolled down Bohemian and then over and down Hwy 1. This allowed me some time to warm up. When we hit the first steep longer climb a little after Jenner, I settled back and a large portion of the pack pulled away. I…
2012 NorCal High School MTB League Race 2 Starts Video
Several of the race starts at Race #2 of the 2012 NorCal High School MTB League series. First real attempts at capturing with my iPhone 4s.
2012 NorCal High School MTB League Race 2 Time Lapse Video
A time-lapse view from the Berkeley High pit during race #2 of the 2012 NorCal High School MTB League series. The view is of the “Pit Zone” with the start/finish off in the distance. You can spot the uphill start in the upper left. Started recording around 8am and stopped around 5pm. Lots of wind,…
2012 FUCI Approved Frame Sticker
(thanks to http://stickerobot.com/ for production) Official List of FUCI Approved The following are responses to the FUCI Approved sticker program. These individuals, entities, hooligans, are to be considered officially recognized as FUCI Approved. Ritchey www.ritcheylogic.com A letter from Patrick McQuaid norcalcyclingnews.com G service Bottle Openers/CX Tire GaugesFalso Industries Yukie! Ibis Maximus More FUCI Approved hooligans.…
Mendocino Trip
A couple of photos from my recent road trip in the Sportsmobile up to Mendocino.
Frogs Singing Audio
On my early evening ride in Marin I heard the singing of frogs off in the distance. As I reached the location of the source the crescendo of frog song peaked. The reed filled marsh was filled with what seemed like thousands of the unseen but heard. I walked out onto the small wooden bridge…
2011 New Year’s Eve Ride
Went over to Marin for a Pine Mountain ride to end 2011. Grabbed a few photos with my GoPro Hero2. Beautiful day and surprisingly few others on the trails. Click here to view slideshow [ Flickr ]