Garden Spider Explosion
Say hello to my little friend. One of many that climb about and build their webs throughout our yard. I’ve been told that this year’s crop of spiders has been much larger than in the past. Oh, joy! I’m not sure of the type of this spider. While searching about the web for information I…
Windy Hiking Hairy
Here’s a wind blown Hairy during our Loch Leven Lakes backpacking trip. He was one happy dog running about out there. We also made sure he wore his Ruff Wear boots for most of the hike. They saved his paws. One of the reasons he was so happy was the abundance of lizards. He never…
Loch Leven Lakes Backpacking
Spent the Labor Day weekend hiking in the Tahoe back country. Began our hike down in Big Bend and headed up to the Loch Leven Lakes. Then bush wacked from there. Here are a few photos from the trip. Twisting Stump Water Finger White Branches Lace Red Flowers Mountain Berries Floating Toothbrush
Our Backyard – Up Close
Practiced filming with my Canon 500D close-up lens on subjects around my backyard. Edited some of the shots together with some music: http://www.norcalfilms.com/films/2005/BackyardUpClose.html Cheers!
Point Isabel Dog Walk
Point Isabel is a wonderful dog park in the east bay. The park’s 20 acres are on the waterfront and have sweeping views of San Francisco, Marin, and the Berkeley hills. There’s even a dog wash facility and cafe. Hairy, beng a social dog, is as happy as can be when at the park. There’s…
Hairy Tongue
Hot day hiking in the Berkeley hills. Along the ridge Hairy decided to cool off using the best means possible. Face into the wind, mouth open, and tongue out for maximum cooling power.
Blue Angels over Saints Peter and Paul Church
I pulled this photo out of my archive. It was taken in Washington Square Park during Fleet Week in 1996. The Blue Angels were making their runs over San Francisco. I liked the mix of the war birds flying above Saints Peter and Paul Church. The unique look is from a high pass filter. I…
4th of July Street Fireworks Videos
Here are some short videos of 4th of July fireworks set off out front on the street. The San Francisco fog was starting to build up steam and causing a lot of wind. Makes for a better show IMO. Especially when the wind blows one of a burning firework right under the legs of someone…
Ripening Tomatoes
One of my tomato plants is loaded down with fruit… er, I mean vegetables. Gosh, shouldn’t tomatoes be called fruit? I had to do some quick research about this. Here are some links I found: http://www.howstuffworks.com/question143.htm http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/bot00/bot00283.htm http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutother/tomato An interesting quote from one of them: “The confusion about ‘fruit’ and ‘vegetable’ arises because of the…
Purple White Flower
The bees love these flowers.