Category: Programming

  • Microsoft Kinect Flocking Test

    Microsoft Kinect Flocking Test

    This was a simple experiment with the Microsoft Kinect that involved integrating the captured skeletal information along with a flocking simulation. If my body intersected any “boid” in the flock, then the boid would try to avoid the body.

  • Dungeons & Dragons BASIC Source Code

    Dungeons & Dragons BASIC Source Code

    I came across the following four sheets of paper in my old Dungeons & Dragons game box. They contain an early attempt at my programming the game. Yes, I would dutifully write the code on lined paper and work through the execution in my head. This was my code editor. Not sure where the rest…

  • Leap Doodler Web App

    Leap Doodler Web App

    Leap Doodler I’ve been experimenting with the Leap Motion controller and wanted to test it with a browser. So I created this small doodle web application. To use the application you will need to have a Leap device and have it installed and working. Once you’ve done that then you can access the Leap Doodler…

  • Weblogs.Com Perl XML-RPC Ping Utility

    I have written a small Perl utility that pings the Weblogs.Com server to notify it of a weblog change. It uses the standard IO::Socket package and therefore should not require the installation of additional packages. The installation steps and source code are below (open the entry if not visible). Installation 1. Copy the Perl source…